The Commercial Aviation of Iran Now

70 years After Iran built its first Passenger Planes the Wright Brothers recreated the Da vinchi Work and added a fan. It flew for 20 and some minutes. 70 Years after America reverse engineered its first modern Passenger Plane from Soviets China tested flight with its first Passenger Plane and it flew for 20 and some minutes. #Aviation

How to Hunt Passenger Jet

America has been deploying most classified means such as electromagnetic waves and lasers to help Air Plane Companies such as BOEING to gain exclusivity of Commercial Passenger Jet Market. America has practically targeted Russian Tupolov and Antonov Jets for 40 years by use of magnetic pulses and lasers. It is very simple thing to do [...]

Civilian Missile Program

The hackers wiped what we typed but I have photo

How America conquered Commercial Aviation Industry

Building Air Planes is stupidly old and stupidly easy to do. Why Indians need to ask other nations to build them? Wright Brothers built their first Plane 70 years after Iran built its first Passenger Plane. Wright Brothers's plane flew for 20 minutes in its test flight. China built its first Passenger Plane 70 years [...]

Soft War and Economic War on Brazil

If you saw second page of this blog any where with another name than Makan Abazari then they are connected to Mafia of Hackers and Thieves who steal codes and dismantle peoples progress. If you saw Name other than Makan Abazari on the second page then you know they are people who need to be [...]

How to hack phones and use security exploits in them to down Air Planes. Now are you going to end censor of security flaws in Cellphone and WiFi or you want me to commercialize passenger plane hunter softwares and guns?

Fundamental for having a Civilian Air Industry

There are two files; one hand written and is guidance on how to win civil aviation industry in basic sense considering several classified means that may need protection against. Then there is one exclusively written for Chinese Air and Space and it is a guidance for their civil and military aviation. The Wright Brothers Flew a Paper Plane 80 years after Iranians Metal Framed Plane and Wright Brothers flew for 20 minutes. China flew its first Passenger Jet 80 years After America Flew its first Passenger Plane and the flight lasted 20 Minutes.

Blog based on Facebook works (Will be Updated)

Catalan Independence and Plot against Southern EU nations: The weather warfare and Sabotage of British, South African, Canadian, Brazilian, and Canadian economies and strategic sectors by USA Mind Control: Read this about google self driving AI and limitation it most meet if they want to keep on doing it. Their AI also is need [...]

Warning: New York Times and Boeing are again against Embraer

It is a legal case within shadow government of the world and it is one of our primary objective after overthrow and counter overthrow. We have given orders and directives on this, telling you stay away from absorbing it, and we see lobbyists and deep state have New York Times publishing another article on support of it and thus giving life to this criminal activity we strictly forbad you. You are illegally seeking to Purchase Embraer and we told you “no”. You cannot buy that nor can squeeze the market share of bombardier and Embraer.

Technology to crash planes like CIA for 40 years

Anti Air System to bring down any planes made of metals and any plane having computers. Learn how Boeing become primary civil aviation corporation. By Makan Abazari


Uma queixa da Aviation Air and Space Industry. Fui informado que a Boeing está novamente envolvida em comportamento predatório nesta época indo para a Embraer depois de anos de sabotagem por assaltos clandestinos e federais baseados nos EUA no Embraer e outras Aviões civis Avitaion. Mais uma vez, estamos vendo comportamento predatório pelo ataque de [...]

Story of Ukraine

Some grievances of people who know lots of secrets, codes, facts, and history of methodological tricks and shadow things. Dagger in back of your both wings. Lots of things. Yes, they fucked with neatness of that. So they said: fuck this fuck that all of that. Who did that? “Muslim haters from Mass Mind Control of Washington Space Moneys and Israel. “ They impersonated themselves and talking about others problems. it was only way we could deliver that. Now all that, all those facts. Fuck is fact now all that.