Conquest of Earth and Oceans

Robert Winthrop Kennedy School Of Government means Robber has stolen Trophy of the Earth. I conquered the Earth and they have stolen it. مس copper مسیح Messiah مصلحت اگ از مس بسازی لهت (می کنم) anyway it was what I wrote when I was thought about secrets of defense against mind control such as use [...]

Iran and New World Order

iran Iran used to have America as ally and as retreat for Kings and leaders of Iran. Iran built America. Iran (Fars, Persia, Pars) built Statue of Liberty and France is counterfeit. America and Iran were oldest allies. During World War 2 Iran was attacked by Britain, Japan, and Germany (Libya, Africa, Europe, and Mediterranean [...]

Stone, Washington, Academia and Spectrum of Disciplines then in memory of Eliot and Washington

Yazd-Eliot-Harvard-Military-Royal Wealth Industries Tabriz, Tractorsazi, Machinsazi, and Cheese Uncle Sam: “We want Makan Abazari to write something about Iran and for benefits of Iran. See I want to see how he protects Iranian interests.” Mind control stressses me out and does not let me to correct this. I fix this again let me release it [...]

Economic and Development Project for Brazil

Brazilian Transit System and prospect of developing a trade zone and Economic Union in South America. This article also touches on trade deals for Brazil and means of expanding reach and strength of Brazilian Economy on the Geopolitical Scale and Continental Scale. By Makan Abazari

Political Dynamics of Rise of Fascists and Brazilian Election. We must help Haddad.

Brasil Political Dynamic   Inner working of Politics from lens of mind control, the global effect. Brazil is very important for world dynamic and balance of Power. We have Far Right rising in Europe and causing shift in political dynamic of Europe and almost all of earth. It is triggering more far right parties and [...]

Support Haddad for President of Brazil

This is few pages in support of Haddad as President of Brazil. I have written other Material and it has been a difficult work to help Haddad or better said Leftist candidate win. CIA and many other players have been supporting write and it has been a case which brought so many mind control sabotages against me. Let us hope Haddad wins and Brazilian gains are not lost due to Bolsanaro hijacking Brazilian Leadership.

Old CIA plot in Brazil and South America

<img src="; alt="Brazil under Attack by Old CIA and Deep State Brazil under Attack by Old CIA and Deep State• Guiding Star •" />   <img src="; alt="Brazil under Attack by Old CIA and Deep State Brazil under Attack by Old CIA and Deep State• Guiding Star •" />  

Italian Economics and Industrial path (Brazil and others can also Learn) Important

Italy Economic Project The following is for Italy but we need it also for Brazil, Iran, Turkey, Russia, and Britain. I need formation of nationally owned Italian Construction Company. This Nationally owned company must have free access to mines for building construction material and it has to build factories to produce construction material. The construction [...]

Haddad must become President for Future of Brazil

I support Haddad for President of Brazil. Bolsonaro desire to privatize nationally owned assets is extremely dangerous for countries like Brazil. See Brazil nationally owned sectors corporations and sectors are very important to balance of power and capability of Brazil to act as Nation at times of hardship. Countries which have nation wealth and industries [...]

Haddad for President of Brazil

braziliaprotected Bolsemaro stabbing was a complex mass psychology plot to create support for Bolsenaro. The deep state mind controls the whole earth and they use such actions to create backing for their assets and desired leaders. They stabbed Bolsenaro by mind control a person to do it. Now that person could have any reason for [...]

World Order as of Today

This is Document unmediatable here for future if they changed and hacked this page: World Order and AI a driective by Makan Abazari The King of Earth This is one of the most educative material I have shared all coming together in one document. Keep on reading beyond initial parts. There is a technology in [...]

America-Bricks Relations

BRICKS states and American relations: America has engaged South Africa in Economic, Social, and Political war. America is also waging weather warfare against south Africa causing draught in the Johansburg. The white farmers issue is also rooted in America using mind control of leaders to target those who have infrastructure and people in place to [...]

Soft War and Economic War on Brazil

If you saw second page of this blog any where with another name than Makan Abazari then they are connected to Mafia of Hackers and Thieves who steal codes and dismantle peoples progress. If you saw Name other than Makan Abazari on the second page then you know they are people who need to be [...]

NATO cannot expand into Southern Hemisphere

People who created NATO and visioned the limitations on NATO had reasons. Expansion into South America and Southern Hemisphere is a red line NATO cannot Cross and if crossed it will not be with impunity. It will trigger formation of a new Military Alliance between Iran, China, Russia, and possibly including Brazil.

New World Currency

Condition for end to World War of Proxies and Soft War

People on the left were one side of the conflict and the ones on the right where other side. Only Victorious from Left was Temer. I have been on both parts at different times because I am commander in chief of Eastern and Western Blocks. I was on the right side with Trump, Boris, Erdogan, [...]

Global Coalition for Balance of Power

Our security and humanity is dependent on separation of powers and barriers which enables us to confront a dark and destructive move by unified stance against the darkness. We bestowed it on United Nations and chose America as shepherd. Years has passed and the good shepherd has become lord of darkness. United State is committing [...]

Fundamental for having a Civilian Air Industry

There are two files; one hand written and is guidance on how to win civil aviation industry in basic sense considering several classified means that may need protection against. Then there is one exclusively written for Chinese Air and Space and it is a guidance for their civil and military aviation. The Wright Brothers Flew a Paper Plane 80 years after Iranians Metal Framed Plane and Wright Brothers flew for 20 minutes. China flew its first Passenger Jet 80 years After America Flew its first Passenger Plane and the flight lasted 20 Minutes.

Blog based on Facebook works (Will be Updated)

Catalan Independence and Plot against Southern EU nations: The weather warfare and Sabotage of British, South African, Canadian, Brazilian, and Canadian economies and strategic sectors by USA Mind Control: Read this about google self driving AI and limitation it most meet if they want to keep on doing it. Their AI also is need [...]

Brazil South North Rail way

The development and management of Brazilian industries, economics, and transit complexes along South and North Railway Corridor. A Makan EcoIndustrial Metropolitan Engineering Project, a Royal Iranian Intellectual Property, A University of Tuss Intellectual memory, thanks to all American friends who helped me to compose it.

CIA after 50 years of South American operations

We touch on subject of CIA involvement in Venezuela and Brazil and long lasting strategy of causing mistrust and distance between masses and Socialism. They want to forever kill socialism in South America ending them at worst possible situations

Crypto Currency and BRICKS

Why Countries avoid Crypto Currency when they turn the wheels of economy, production, and industry? I know there are limitations and limit them sometimes only to trade but they can be mined and used for production. Independent from claws of financial system that holds back money after they earned the money by mind control help. [...]

Pakistan over practice of overthrow and Makan Abazari coming as counter intelligence protection

Why Nawaz Sharif was overthrown? Nawaz Sharif was one of most successful leader Pakistan has had in last decade. One of the most important proof of that was China-Pakistan economic corridor which was one in a 50 years project considering imposed stallment of progress in middle east and remembering that was a word order level [...]