Master Piece Privatization and Nationalization, Kingdom and Freedom, Dictatorship and Democracy

Grievances for United Nations General Assembly: Special Part on Russian Grievance

As I have been Supreme Commander of Allied Forces and The King of Kings I have been having World Power leadership Rotation for sometimes now. In this work I lead efforts of different nations and different superpowers in rotational manner. Thus I learn to be Russia, America, China, Britain, Germany, Iran, and Egypt as I progress in my Career. It is Similar to medical students which experience different Medical Department during medical rotation. I worked as Commander in Chief of Several Countries leading them from shadow. I find it fitting to express some of the concerns of Russian side for them as a separate case for United Nations General Assembly. I did not touch on Sanctions and there are many things left out. Makan Abazari The King of Kings

An Economic Model for Russia a gift from Iran

Redesigning of pre world war 2 Monetary systems as a post modern economic model for Russia, Iran, and Britain. But this is exclusive focuses on Russia.