Soft War and Economic War on Brazil

If you saw second page of this blog any where with another name than Makan Abazari then they are connected to Mafia of Hackers and Thieves who steal codes and dismantle peoples progress. If you saw Name other than Makan Abazari on the second page then you know they are people who need to be [...]

NATO cannot expand into Southern Hemisphere

People who created NATO and visioned the limitations on NATO had reasons. Expansion into South America and Southern Hemisphere is a red line NATO cannot Cross and if crossed it will not be with impunity. It will trigger formation of a new Military Alliance between Iran, China, Russia, and possibly including Brazil.

Gustavo Petro

#Pereira #Bogota #Gustavo #Petro for President of #Columbia I support Gustavo Petro Gustavo Petro is one of the leftist candidates in Columbia Presidential election who has background of a leftist and revolutionaries. America has a far right candidate in columbian election who is leading the polls. We need to help leftist candidate Gustavo Petro who [...]