Grievances for United Nations General Assembly: Special Part on Russian Grievance

As I have been Supreme Commander of Allied Forces and The King of Kings I have been having World Power leadership Rotation for sometimes now. In this work I lead efforts of different nations and different superpowers in rotational manner. Thus I learn to be Russia, America, China, Britain, Germany, Iran, and Egypt as I progress in my Career. It is Similar to medical students which experience different Medical Department during medical rotation. I worked as Commander in Chief of Several Countries leading them from shadow. I find it fitting to express some of the concerns of Russian side for them as a separate case for United Nations General Assembly. I did not touch on Sanctions and there are many things left out. Makan Abazari The King of Kings

How to Hunt Passenger Jet

America has been deploying most classified means such as electromagnetic waves and lasers to help Air Plane Companies such as BOEING to gain exclusivity of Commercial Passenger Jet Market. America has practically targeted Russian Tupolov and Antonov Jets for 40 years by use of magnetic pulses and lasers. It is very simple thing to do [...]

How to hack phones and use security exploits in them to down Air Planes. Now are you going to end censor of security flaws in Cellphone and WiFi or you want me to commercialize passenger plane hunter softwares and guns?