BREXIT is a Gate Way to reviving an Empire

Brexit 1_29_2019 Let us take small risk with BREXIT in Quest to unify an Empire once more. Approve BREXIT. Important Points - Britain must establish direct rule over Canada and Australia. - BREXIT is not only an economic outcome for Britain but rather it must be viewed as victory in Geopolitics, World Order, and as [...]


  BREXIT General Directives 001. We are going to form a group of 20 MP and 20 experts working on BREXIT behind closed doors even in bunkers.  Jeremy Corbyn, Farage, and Boris Johnson will be part of the group because it is something for all of British and not for one party or another. Theresa [...]

Declaration of Direct Rule over Australia by The Crown

Declaration of Direct Rule over Australia by The Crown Impeachment of Malcolm Turnbul was done without my Permission They succeeded in changing the Prime Minister without giving me the information on change of Malcolm Turnbul. I may have also impeached him but my overwatch and control Mechanism was removed. It is a Capital Crime in the World Order and such actions shall not go unanswered. If I review the New Guy I may confirm him but you did not have my permission. This unauthorized change of leadership gives me a great opportunity to unify the Kingdom. Thus I have decided to declare direct rule over Australia. Australia as property of British Crown will be directly be ruled by me and by government in Britain and Appointees to take on the role local governor of Australia. We are keeping Prime Minister Position for Australia but we adding old designs back into Australian constitution. Thus I am taking away autonomy of Australia and declare it again as Colony of Great Britain. This is along our path in change of the world order and we need Australia under tight control and we need control Mechanisms to ensure secure change of world order. In this world order many former colonies of Britain will be economic and Industrial hubs all located around the Indian Ocean. Makan Abazari The King of Kings Uncle Sam : “Why Britain is so far away from British Empire and Prosperous Indian Ocean Trade Routes. There is yet another Iranian Rose.”

Declaration of Emergency Rule Over Canada and Australia by the Crowns

Also I need reminder concerning campaigns and Properties: Uncle Sam: No we don't want to mention the forward Global operations here.Makan Abazari The King of Kings, King of Great Britain, King of Russia, King of Solar System.