Book of Iranian Roses the 7 seen and the 7 Seal

The four countries destroyed by weather warfare Chad, Niger, Mali, Burkina Faso and Mauritania are called coastal (translation) region nations but they are land locked in desert #Desert Rose #Rose #dead #sea #scrolls I don't see rain in Middle East. I need controlled rain in a way it does not destroy the cities. But [...]

America’s Crime and an Offer to USA by backing of rest of Earth

America had killed Animals, Human, and Vegetation on our planet. America is using weather warfare against Central Asia, Tibet, Middle East and North Africa to dry these regions. America has changed environment of these regions which used to be rain forests, marshes, Tropical, Jungles, lakes, and in land seas 70 years ago. America started using [...]

America’s Crime and an Offer to USA by backing of rest of Earth

America had killed Animals, Human, and Vegetation on our planet. America is using weather warfare against Central Asia, Tibet, Middle East and North Africa to dry these regions. America has changed environment of these regions which used to be rain forests, marshes, Tropical, Jungles, lakes, and in land seas 70 years ago. America started using [...]

World Order as of Today

This is Document unmediatable here for future if they changed and hacked this page: World Order and AI a driective by Makan Abazari The King of Earth This is one of the most educative material I have shared all coming together in one document. Keep on reading beyond initial parts. There is a technology in [...]

Taliban and Afghanistan; a look at American Strategy based on Classic designs (now void)

So what happened to Middle Eastern Stone Mason Built buildings? (Crusader Wars)Original Article (You can find Manhattan Story in Article) I also made facebook post of the following couple if hours before the new article published. I have written this long time ago but included it as extra story under the new article. Sometimes I [...]

The Socio-eco-geopolitics if Iran and Indian Subcontinent

I changed the original version since I did not want to mention British Carriages (why Queen still has Carriages) , American miners (Great Depression in America) , and other historic facts removed from living human knowledge. I leave at this We made Passenger Planes 70 years before wright Brothers rebuilt a version Davinci fly craft. [...]