Principle of EU – USA trade talks another article Computers and Massachusetts

Microsoft, Macintosh, Bloomberg, Facebook, and computers and gifts. Massachusetts failed in protection of Makan Abazari. It is also another article on Trade talks between EU and USA. We cannot hold the talks in White House or USA. The talks shall continue in European Union Offices.

Facebook Posts

Alright we arrived at conclusion. We will remove 86 years old president and we make sure someone comes on power who is going to develop the country, be friendly to Iran and China and be involved in Trade with Brazil, Venezuela, and America. I don't mind building a corridor from there to Djibouti and then [...]

Today work on Facebook

We need White House, Senate, and Military back. The White House is pirated and we can keep Trump. But we need to make sure they listen to Makan Abazari. We need Mind Control of Makan Abazari back also. Yup. Because the policies are dictated belonging to post 1920s WW1 in which we witnessed total eradication [...]

Apps on Smart Phones are far larger security threat than Facebook

We are forced to share critically dangerous amount of information with apps we commonly use on smart phones. It simply enables someone to watch all we do and if they have a friend with Psytronic capabilities then by one agree to Privacy Statement you become available for control to hostile mind control forces. Now they own you.

Blog based on Facebook works (Will be Updated)

Catalan Independence and Plot against Southern EU nations: The weather warfare and Sabotage of British, South African, Canadian, Brazilian, and Canadian economies and strategic sectors by USA Mind Control: Read this about google self driving AI and limitation it most meet if they want to keep on doing it. Their AI also is need [...]

How to run the world by a Facebook account and being me

there was two photos I took together of myself after I placed it here the hacker removed it so Eyes are not reliable. Yes an eye and code cheating using hackers. all these. The photo is missing. I used to post texts but recently hacking attacks has became savagery, making it impossible to type on [...]

Cambridge Analytica

Cambridge Analytica file: Cambridge Analytica was involved in a great deal with psychological warfare. Information warfare was primary method of waging that war we had during 2012, to 2016, 2017, and in 2018. There are lots of such corporations and they are in Facebook, Twitter, Google, Comcast, cable companies, and even Medical and Bioinformatics Companies. [...]

Hackers Weaved around my life

It is an informative article on how they brook people in the brook. Now add mind control of other folks. They want to isolate my communication to a tablet and have broken down my lab top needed for outside. Now it has to be fixed within 10 minutes or I am going tweet lots of it, expand on it, and make it educative for all of it. We can start from cell phones going peeping Tom and selling photos, do you want national backlash against your crimes?