Important: Gravity and Importance of cutting South Pacific and creating Volcanos

Important: Gravity and Importance of cutting South Pacific and creating Volcanos. Makan Abazari :"We could have new continent, New Sattlite Planet in orbit of Earth, or Meteoric belt in Orbit of the earth. This is why we are making volcanos active in Pacific Ocean by my King's Ray

Road Map for Space Program and Deep Space Travel

Deep Space Travel and works needed to be done in advance for preparation. A road map for deep Space Travel The below is correction to NASA projects in ISS: Click on Image Below for a Article on AstroBiophysics

Planetary Science and Nuclear Engineering for Space Mission I don’t know if you heard about my trillium powered spaceship project working on with Criers Intellectual property. You can use two different type of nuclear rods or cores to continuously reactivity trillium in these type of nuclear reactors. So your rod last much longer before getting exhausted. My Spaceship is meant to reach [...]

Effects of Magnetism and Gravity on Embryonic Development and Growth, include NASA project briefing and Ultra Classified Files

We have some mission briefing for NASA projects. In addition to NASA project some ultra classified Material are released as part of briefing and as part of New Awakening or its current name Liberty Marathon. There is Stem cel Biology, Gravity, and Electromagnetism discussed and I hope it will give you ability to develop the Space Mission details according by reviewing this hand writing to get the idea (reality) and then look into reverent Materials. Office of Intelligence Communication Iran and USA branches, Makan Abazari.

Physics of observing Universe

The matter in our universe is not constant nor speed, direction, and change of direction is constant for light moving in Universe thus they change path and dance and advance to reach our telescopes and laboratories