How to hack phones and use security exploits in them to down Air Planes. Now are you going to end censor of security flaws in Cellphone and WiFi or you want me to commercialize passenger plane hunter softwares and guns?

Federal Hardware and Software Security Administration

It has been long since we have reached the max level security alert due to lack of security on our smartphones, computers, and even smart home equipments. It has been alarmingly dangerous to our privacy and safety but people who mention it can not get much done about it. Our way of life, privacy, security, and even ability to function as normal member of society has been lost for some of the people targeted. It has been happening due our to increased reliance on Internet and electronics while no measure for our security has been taken by governments who should have regulated it. They even have removed older and secure mechanisms of doing things under pretext of advancing and modernizing. Example, what happened to street phones? Time for action is now.

Wireless and Cyber Security

This is what I could write while being obstructed so bad by this hackers. The Brookline Mind Control relies on hackers a great deal. So they are eating from same bowl. But we succeeded in delivering of some of the informations. I also wrote a crypto currency page on a moving car and it is [...]

Hackers Weaved around my life

It is an informative article on how they brook people in the brook. Now add mind control of other folks. They want to isolate my communication to a tablet and have broken down my lab top needed for outside. Now it has to be fixed within 10 minutes or I am going tweet lots of it, expand on it, and make it educative for all of it. We can start from cell phones going peeping Tom and selling photos, do you want national backlash against your crimes?

CIA and classified agency behind June and  July cyber attack, it was neither North Korea nor Iran

This article points out Microsoft doesn't know how to analyze traces of hacker The #Ransomware #Wannacry was not a north Korean operation. It was CIA- Military - mind control #illegal branch out project from far more important project I personally played the master of symphony in that. on "trick is thick" #A cheap trick has [...]