Da Silva and Secrets of Two Wood Lands

https://www.facebook.com/plugins/post.php?href=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2Fmakan.abazari%2Fposts%2F10156346310999724&width=500 I have not done my homework on Germany regional election. But there are difficult times for Europe concerning political and social is in play. We cannot lose Merkel is the strong and experienced figure to help Germany and Europe weather the storm. So we should help the party related to #Merkel #Christian #democrat #Party [...]

Economic and Development Project for Brazil

Brazilian Transit System and prospect of developing a trade zone and Economic Union in South America. This article also touches on trade deals for Brazil and means of expanding reach and strength of Brazilian Economy on the Geopolitical Scale and Continental Scale. By Makan Abazari

Political Dynamics of Rise of Fascists and Brazilian Election. We must help Haddad.

Brasil Political Dynamic   Inner working of Politics from lens of mind control, the global effect. Brazil is very important for world dynamic and balance of Power. We have Far Right rising in Europe and causing shift in political dynamic of Europe and almost all of earth. It is triggering more far right parties and [...]

Support Haddad for President of Brazil

This is few pages in support of Haddad as President of Brazil. I have written other Material and it has been a difficult work to help Haddad or better said Leftist candidate win. CIA and many other players have been supporting write and it has been a case which brought so many mind control sabotages against me. Let us hope Haddad wins and Brazilian gains are not lost due to Bolsanaro hijacking Brazilian Leadership.

Old CIA plot in Brazil and South America

<img src="https://cdn.cp.adobe.io/content/2/dcx/79f7a02d-593f-4405-a951-83387b0e194b/rendition/preview.jpg/version/0/format/jpg/dimension/width/size/1200&quot; alt="Brazil under Attack by Old CIA and Deep State Brazil under Attack by Old CIA and Deep State• Guiding Star •makanabazari.wordpress.com" />   <img src="https://cdn.cp.adobe.io/content/2/dcx/79f7a02d-593f-4405-a951-83387b0e194b/rendition/preview.jpg/version/0/format/jpg/dimension/width/size/1200&quot; alt="Brazil under Attack by Old CIA and Deep State Brazil under Attack by Old CIA and Deep State• Guiding Star •makanabazari.wordpress.com" />  

Haddad must become President for Future of Brazil

I support Haddad for President of Brazil. Bolsonaro desire to privatize nationally owned assets is extremely dangerous for countries like Brazil. See Brazil nationally owned sectors corporations and sectors are very important to balance of power and capability of Brazil to act as Nation at times of hardship. Countries which have nation wealth and industries [...]

Haddad for President of Brazil

braziliaprotected Bolsemaro stabbing was a complex mass psychology plot to create support for Bolsenaro. The deep state mind controls the whole earth and they use such actions to create backing for their assets and desired leaders. They stabbed Bolsenaro by mind control a person to do it. Now that person could have any reason for [...]