New League of Nations

We need to start new League of Nation Parallel to United Nations as United Nation has lost its legitimacy and integrity to conduct its basic duties. Unfortunately mind control regiment that United Nations staff are on are so wrong that they can not function as basic up holder of Rule of law among Nations. We have seen it in Syria. We experienced during Iranian Sanctions have the United Nations acted as weapon. I also have seen world leaders at general assembly being Mind controlled and twisted out of their true intends. We need new organization to solve conflicts and uphold laws. We have no desire to keep an institution like United Nations in its current status.

American involvement in Middle East beyond Iraq and Afghanistan

The Americans and Mind Control Privilege That should have been removed from American influence has disturbed the process in Russian sponsored Syrian Peace Talks. We need several work done. First we need regional, and global briefing for all parties involved that America uses mind control to extend the war and to cause death, conflicts, causality, [...]