WiFi Security and ban on Chinese phone

I told USA federal government there is a great weakness in Cell Phone Hardwares enabling our challengers to spy on UsA, people, and scientific works. But I did not say it is a national actor. They are private actors now add IC and MOSSAD. The hardware exploits are in WiFi and onboard radio communication devices [...]

Governance of the Earth on April 20th

EU:I need a special consul in EU composed of EU parliaments and Appointees tasked with dealing with current crises such as Fragmentation Of EU, fall of classic parties, rise of far right, and rise of populists parties with failed policies and naive values, and in general protecting EU project from fragmentation and maybe bringing more [...]

Federal Hardware and Software Security Administration

It has been long since we have reached the max level security alert due to lack of security on our smartphones, computers, and even smart home equipments. It has been alarmingly dangerous to our privacy and safety but people who mention it can not get much done about it. Our way of life, privacy, security, and even ability to function as normal member of society has been lost for some of the people targeted. It has been happening due our to increased reliance on Internet and electronics while no measure for our security has been taken by governments who should have regulated it. They even have removed older and secure mechanisms of doing things under pretext of advancing and modernizing. Example, what happened to street phones? Time for action is now.

Wireless and Cyber Security

This is what I could write while being obstructed so bad by this hackers. The Brookline Mind Control relies on hackers a great deal. So they are eating from same bowl. But we succeeded in delivering of some of the informations. I also wrote a crypto currency page on a moving car and it is [...]