Muslim Peace Keepers Approved for Gaza, West Bank, and Jerusalem

It has been requested by 3 Middle Eastern Nations (Not Iran) to send peace keeping troops to Palestine , Both West Bank and Gaza, to protect Civilians from mind controlled Israelis which going for harm and kill in every situation. It seems Israel troops AI is set to harm and inflict suffering on Palestinians. Uncle [...]

Islamic Cities, CIA Style

As I previously said, I am accepting three apprentice from Freemasons to come and learn the ultimate secrets. Mind control delivered report on your progress via waves directed to brain (I am segregated in the brook). Some of you are doing well while some of you are bugged down in equipment engineering. A concept would [...]

Crusader Wars 2018

We look at AI of System waging Crusader wars on Islam on all fronts. AI dictates to public opinion, Geopolitics, long term strategy, and international community. Beyond that it is engrained in the memory, perception, and understanding of humanity in this age, year 2018 and it is January now. By Makan Abazari and Secret Keepers. A release for Syrian Peace Talks.