Mind Control Influence on Civil engineeringEngineering

We are not having a series on Metropolitan Engineering, Moving Pyramids, and City Building. I can accept 3 FreeMasons as my Apprentices and teach them. Before you come here you need to answer two Question. How will you move Boston College to Neyshabur, Iran? and How you move the coffee shop behind Wellesley College (next [...]

Opioids Addictions from the lens of Mind Control

Opioid addiction from lens of Mind Control Rape files series article 4 An Article on highly classified mind control secrets concerning drug addictions. The methods that addiction is caused is discussed. The means of synthetically producing the need for more drug is also discussed. There are harsh realities mentioned here that no one out of [...]

Health Care (Classified)

All of our American health professionals are mind controlled. Sometimes mind control hits you with waves to produce effects of diseases and health care complications. They can be perceived as annoying and bothersome. During your appointment with care provider and explain your condition he or she will diagnose your disease based on stated conditions. That [...]