Israel Election

israelelection-1.pdf Support Left Wing Israeli Candidates in upcoming Israel Election for Knesset and Prime Minister. We cannot have right wing Israelis to remain in power in Israel. They live in their own alternative reality. In their Alternative reality they are mind controlled to see it Necessary to be aggressive and harmful to Palestinians. They see [...]

Iran and New World Order

iran Iran used to have America as ally and as retreat for Kings and leaders of Iran. Iran built America. Iran (Fars, Persia, Pars) built Statue of Liberty and France is counterfeit. America and Iran were oldest allies. During World War 2 Iran was attacked by Britain, Japan, and Germany (Libya, Africa, Europe, and Mediterranean [...]

Davos #Davos comments are critical part of this Facebook account and you need to enable them now. Global Industrial supply chains and Systems go from Europe to China and from China to USA. They can also follow path from Canada to USA and from USA to Europe. There are many such pathways. One of the [...]

The Sabotages against our Good Earth Efforts I am trying make peace between India and Pakistan they come and obstruct by terror attacks, then I have peace talks in Afghanistan and they mind control Taliban into most intense battle for taking Cities ISIS style, then I am working on rail road and ports in Chabhar Iran then mind control asshole comes [...]

G20 Financial Strategy

General Directive for G20 to focus their efforts For G 20. We have returned rain back to Middle East and we are working on building a strong and interconnected economy to connect the nations in Middle East and increase economic activity and progress. It is very important to have investments in Middle East in countries [...]

Da Silva and Secrets of Two Wood Lands I have not done my homework on Germany regional election. But there are difficult times for Europe concerning political and social is in play. We cannot lose Merkel is the strong and experienced figure to help Germany and Europe weather the storm. So we should help the party related to #Merkel #Christian #democrat #Party [...]

Syria Peace Talks Star Star Star

  This is your invitation to talks on Syria and Assad must control all of Syria. We suggest you withdraw and surrender or see Pacific and Atlantic fronts lost. I need my Bahrain the Pacific and Atlantic. Surrender and leave Syria to Iran and Assad. I have full force of Earth behind my efforts and [...]

An Introduction to Modern History of Genocides; America has an invisible hand

There are many genocides missing from this document. I wrote this under torture and it almost took us to point of having a shadow war to post this blog. There are more than 3 billion people dead and almost every year holocaust gets dwarfed by modern genocides. Never Again!!!

Concerning Protection for Trump and Requirement. The Great Seal of United States is my Private Property. Hurricane Gloria, Florence, and Michael also witness

As you noticed my signature is Eye of Horus. It is also on Great seal of United States of America. Other side is on Seal of USA President. You remember in Iran you used Seal of United States to take me to Iranian Camp David in Sologhun and you took an oath by Seal of [...]

Master Piece Privatization and Nationalization, Kingdom and Freedom, Dictatorship and Democracy

Syrian Civil War, British Election, Iran Military Parade Targeted, Stealth of class 5 Jets, Road Map for Syrian unity

Stealth class Jets have 3 types of stealth which we are going to explain the first type of such stealth; These class of stealth are reliant on surface of the body of the Jet. Meaning reflection pattern of the surface is designed in a way that it doesn’t reflect as expected. As you know conductive [...]

United Nation General Assembly and Grievances of People and Nations Part 1 Organized

This Video is under assault By Malicious Mind Control Attack. If they don't know where I am I sound different and I am far better than any president ever given speech. But for now I am in Brookline the Belly of the George. Makan Abazari The King of Kings (Audio Video also distorted) Still valuable [...]

World Order, Environment, and Hurricane Florence

This is set of directives for changing World Order. We are open to hear your concerns and your suggestions if you have mind control to communicate it. As of now communication with me is impossible. Makan Abazari The King of Kings

Guideline for formation of Iraq Coalition Government

I also need a government for Iraq which is allied with Iran and has Shia, Sunni, and Kurd parties in its coalition. It is very important and you do it for me like always. Be careful to not sabotage it because there will be lasting consequences for anyone sabotaging it. I also need parties who provide best ministers and cabinet members possible for specific posts in coalition so we can get the best people on cabinet. #Iraq #World #Order #King

World Order as of Today

This is Document unmediatable here for future if they changed and hacked this page: World Order and AI a driective by Makan Abazari The King of Earth This is one of the most educative material I have shared all coming together in one document. Keep on reading beyond initial parts. There is a technology in [...]

Facebook Posts by Makan Abazari on 8/16/2018

Geopolitical teachings and story of White House. Makan Abazari

Economic Wars and Measures on the Table for Global Combined Forces to Respond

Makan Abazari , I have produced these directive for you so you can confront Trump's Aggressive behavior. There are several options you can choose from but remember there is a need for a global front where everyone keeps the obligation and does its part to systematically target back at USA Economy. Balance of Power

Pakistan, America’s Economic Addiction, Tonopah Airbase, Iranian Rose 81, Obama’s 2009 visit to Egypt, and Area 51

5 Important works by Makan Abazari

5 documents: It is not even tip of Iceburg, Pennsylvania Independence, Direct Rule over Middle East, Iranian Rose 8, and Trade War

High Tech Industries in Iraq and Eastern Turkey

We need several work toward establishing true multi-lateral world which will be secure against economic and trade wars by any one party. It will benefit us a great deal in a long term. There are two locations ready geostrategically and as far as human resources to be used for a great projects. First such location [...]

Middle East Role in New World Order

Makan Abazari the King of Kings: “Iran is located on cross roads and all our projects will cross through Iran and we need advanced technologies and capabilities there to integrate with global industrial and high tech supply chain. We also need German, British, South Korean, Japan, Taiwanese, Chinese, American, and EU tech companies to be present locally in Iran to produce which we need during our future endeavors. We have many high tech projects from going to Mars and to build classified technologies. We also envisioned a new world order including techs and regional changes. We are also going to change the weather and lower sea levels by storing the water on Himalaya and in Iranian Marshes and lakes.”

A Broad Look at Transcontinental Immigration Crisis and Root Causes

The Immigration issue has become progressively worst over time as Nations have formed oppositions among their Citizens and Citizens opinion has influenced elections and composition of Political Parties. It has brought far right to the European scene as a challenger in almost every member. We want to deal with root causes of issue. As many [...]

Economic World Order Series Part 1

Trump has declared an Economic War on Iran and is continuously manipulates stock markets, economies, and global system with his erratic behaviors and shocks he delivers at the global system both in China and Europe. He also targets other locations with intend of causing harm. We cannot have such behavior from American Presidents. We need [...]

Taliban and Afghanistan; a look at American Strategy based on Classic designs (now void)

So what happened to Middle Eastern Stone Mason Built buildings? (Crusader Wars)Original Article (You can find Manhattan Story in Article) I also made facebook post of the following couple if hours before the new article published. I have written this long time ago but included it as extra story under the new article. Sometimes I [...]

Geopolitics and Long Term Foreign Policy influenced by AI

This Material has not been reviewed I will add changes on same paper in later release with my , Makan Abazari, ID next to it. This material get progressively more classified certain parts are classified to White House staff and majority of CIA.

Star ! Iran-Pakistan-India-China Grand Strategy

This work presents some geopolitical underlying problems which limits growth, power, and economy of the South Asia. With a specific focus on India we discover colonial era designs still enforced on India and its growth.
We also touch on some issues concerning espionage and we give India, Pakistan, and Iranian agencies series of tasks and homework to become adopted to the situation we are working under.
It is a long article and is very valuable education material for locals but these are not intended as educational material rather they are directives and guidances concerning different parties and the educational value comes from supportive information entailed to convince the audience.

New World Currency

America Mass Murdered Muslims in Makkah

هذا هو واحد من أحلك فصول المشاركة الأمريكية في الشرق الأوسط. أعتقد أنه يكفي تكاتف العالم الإسلامي مرة أخرى. إما أن نوحد العالم الإسلامي أو سنقوم بتوعية العالم الإسلامي بهذه المادة.قتلت الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية العديد من الناس على ارتفاع عرفات في منطقة مكة المكرمة من المملكة العربية السعودية. حدث الحادث في عام 2015. في وقت [...]

Mind Control Helps Israel

Did you know how is it would have been easy for Israel state project to fail? If it was without American involvement , using mind control to aid Israeli, Israel would have been failed state. See Israel has no really valuable national resources to sell. It is a very small state with extremely limited capabilities [...]

Condition for end to World War of Proxies and Soft War

People on the left were one side of the conflict and the ones on the right where other side. Only Victorious from Left was Temer. I have been on both parts at different times because I am commander in chief of Eastern and Western Blocks. I was on the right side with Trump, Boris, Erdogan, [...]

Governance of the Earth on 10th of May

Add me on Snapchat! Username: mabazari70 The below is a communication and it is not final decision until we get reply and see if the Americans can provide guarantee. I have also decided to take another measure which is to support UAE and Saudi in Libya. I believe Muslim world has been weakened to [...]

Global Coalition for Balance of Power

Our security and humanity is dependent on separation of powers and barriers which enables us to confront a dark and destructive move by unified stance against the darkness. We bestowed it on United Nations and chose America as shepherd. Years has passed and the good shepherd has become lord of darkness. United State is committing [...]

Islamic Cities, CIA Style

As I previously said, I am accepting three apprentice from Freemasons to come and learn the ultimate secrets. Mind control delivered report on your progress via waves directed to brain (I am segregated in the brook). Some of you are doing well while some of you are bugged down in equipment engineering. A concept would [...]

Kurdistan as Center Piece Of Middle Eastern Economic Zone

I wrote this Article while listening to this performance in Berklee College Of Music. I have written this article before but since it was online I got Mind Control hijacked so I wrote it again.

Middle East Economic Policies and Reconstruction efforts

Middle East Economic Policies and Reconstruction efforts: A Humanitarian and Economic Road Map The International community and United Nations most provide Financial and Humanitarian support for Assad government to support large number of population under its control in need humanitarian aid. Syrian government lacks the means of providing all the needed medicine, food, and basics [...]

Document on requirement USA needs to meet by Office Of Intelligence Communication and Makan Abazari as Shadow signatory of JCPOA and this Document

We have said in the past hostility and crimes of USA and France against Iran are so extensive that nothing will be tolerated. (CIA: please don’t detail that since we don’t it explained again here) 1- America requiring recertification Of Nuclear deal with Iran will keep America under periodic financial and economic attacks. We are [...]