Astana Syrian Peace Talks and the War America started to undermine it

Makan Abazari final directives for Syrian Peace Talks in Asana after Vienna failed to proof it is after achieving peace. As we clearly saw Americans great desire for extension of war and continuation of death and destruction. Thus resetting Muslim Nations and their alliance and unity into a block to try for providing the condition in which opportunity exist for people to pursue their dreams and aspirations. America is in an open war only if you could see the secrets of mind control.

Communication on Two State Solution

Makan: I told Israel don’t build those settlements they are not good enough. We had a briefing explaining all of these settlements in west bank will be left behind for Palestinians. in case of bad settlements and buildings Israel has to pay. If need arises to destroy them for some other infrastructure after Israel leaves. [...]

I feel hurt for approving nuclear power plant facility for Saudi

The insanity of mindless unfolding of events due to hot head ignorance of people who influence mind control of others