Pompeo Upcoming Travel to India and Ethiopia Dam Project

If you click on Skype Image you should be able to contact me First thing we are working on peace between Pakistan and India. I don't feel comfortable with American officials to go to Pakistan since last time Mike Pence went to Pakistan they soon after impeached Mushraf and sentenced him to jail a while [...]

Reverse the Sanction on North Korea Important

Trump’s extension of sanction on North Korea will have consequences. The deal you signed with north korea did not meet the criteria and we would have made it void if not because of constant mind control sabotages. But now you have broken a world order criteria and failed to meet intial orders. It is concerning criteria you were to uphold concerning the three options USA was allowed to have as outcome of North Korean talks. If you are going for total denuclearization then America needs to close down military bases in Japan and South Korea. If America wants the stop in Nuclear Development and production then all the sanctions currently placed on North Korea must be removed. Yet you have extended the sanctions and thus trying for third option which is we provide oil and food for North Korea and North Korea will produce warheads until reach 1000 nuclear warheads threshhold. Earth has guranteed providing of food and fuel for North Korea no matter the outcome. #North #Korea #Trump #Sanctions

Pompeo in Europe

Mike Pompeo the former director of CIA is planning to visit Europe. Yet CIA has been in direct war against European countries plotting Terror, Mass Mind Control, and even take over of control of leaders of European Nations to achieve the political ends. CIA and Trump Administration have some twisted plot in mind by this [...]

Mike Pompeo in NATO

. To PESCO make sure NATO and PESCO having separation level. Meaning they cover each other capability since I built PESCO as independent force for rainy days. If you going to do some other parts that NATO does not do in the face of backstab or confrontation by USA you will be same helpless EU [...]

Arab Spring: Egypt and Libya

Arab Spring failed by coup in Egypt and break down of UN backed government in Libya made void all of its achievments. Syria became a bloody mess that destroyed a prosperous nation. Yemen became the worst humanitarian disaster in years. Arab spring failed. There is small ray of light shining through the key hole on the door that blocks democracy and freedom. Does anyone has the key? Makan: I have a key let me try. It may work

Mike Pompeo and John Kelly Cases

You call us and say: “You do ‘t know what is good for my condition. You don’t trust these doctors. So you ask us what should we do?” I tell you: “ You need to remove that John Kelly form Office after he is done with security clearance mission for White House staff. Also Gerald [...]