Afghanistan Peace Talks

<; Concerning up coming talks Genova concerning peace talks in Afghanistan. We want to have cultural, economic, and political cooperation between regional countries along with bringing peace to Afghanistan to ensure there is success and lasting peace. We have world order signal for it and we don't tolerate sabotage. #Afghanistan #USA #Uzbekistan #Iran #Peace #Taliban  

The document I wrote on Syria Peace Talk. I answered the concerns of Assad government (added to the end) and Rebel concerns were taken to account already but can be proposed so Mind Control delivers

A set of directive and solution that is bound to be accepted by majority of players and actors as it includes everyone’s aspiration and our needed control mechanism. Let us achieve peace and initiate rebuilding. We will also build to Metropolitan in Syria and Iraq in regionally central locations as memory of Martyrs and those [...]

American Plot and Syrian Peace Talks in Russia

America started yet another civil war in Middle East. War between brothers and neighbors. How a cheaper trick of mind control has weaved, weaved and weaved. America witnessed that our Diplomatic Credit behind Russian Diplomatic process in Middle East gaining a great momentum. America wants to keep its ability to be part of the process [...]

Astana Syrian Peace Talks and the War America started to undermine it

Makan Abazari final directives for Syrian Peace Talks in Asana after Vienna failed to proof it is after achieving peace. As we clearly saw Americans great desire for extension of war and continuation of death and destruction. Thus resetting Muslim Nations and their alliance and unity into a block to try for providing the condition in which opportunity exist for people to pursue their dreams and aspirations. America is in an open war only if you could see the secrets of mind control.

Syria Peace Talks, Genova and Astana

A set of directive and solution that is bound to be accepted by majority of players and actors as it includes everyone’s aspiration and our needed control mechanism. Let us achieve peace and initiate rebuilding. We will also build to Metropolitan in Syria and Iraq in regionally central locations as memory of Martyrs and those who wanted better world in their struggle for freedom and liberty. The Metropolitan will rival London and Paris in its grand design. We also have lots of economical and industrial plans which we hope to achieve and without American disturbance we can surely achieve.