French Protest Updated

#Protest #Macron French Protesters must remember America wages weather warfare on the whole planet earth and dries Australia, Horn of Africa, Great Sahara, North Africa, Middle East, Tibet, Inner Mongolia, Chile and Central Asia. America has already killed over 3 billion in Iran and Arab World in last 100 years using weather warfare. The only [...]

Vietnam War Protests Remix

Vietnam War Protests Remix Let us have protests for better causes. Stop use of protests for regime changeHow much mass mind control operation using protesters to pressure governments or change leaderships? Uncle Sam Friends:"Yes how many times do you want to overthrow the earth? The new mind controllers have turned Protests gay. Let us have [...]

Soft War and Economic War on Brazil

If you saw second page of this blog any where with another name than Makan Abazari then they are connected to Mafia of Hackers and Thieves who steal codes and dismantle peoples progress. If you saw Name other than Makan Abazari on the second page then you know they are people who need to be [...]

Protests in Armenia #Armenia #Unrest #Protest #Election #Prime #Minister issue is not who is in power issue is the way they are being mind controlled to run the country and the dangers of unrest in that region of the world. We can’t afford to cause more chaos in the region and it is a red line. #Investment [...]