Important factors which must be guaranteed by America concerning America’s obligation to Iran in accordance to JCPOA

The bellow is an an Article containing demands I have to be introduced to Nuclear deal, the bottom of the bellow article also contains our actions if the nuclear deal breaks down

Pompeo in Saudi Arabia

America first needs to return international banks back to Iranian economy and uphold all of its responsibilities to sprit of JCPOA. You have not up held your responsibility as United States. Iranians will not give you an inch to advance and if you fail to end seasonal recertification requirement by Congress then I will have them returning to pre deal condition unclear you expansion before I logarithmically expand it for them unless America does what is said. Since USA has not upheld its part of treaty. USA needs some roughening so it stops bullying countries. Trump do you remember me? I bullied you, Putin, and next 18 countries during G20,