Old CIA plot in Brazil and South America

<img src="https://cdn.cp.adobe.io/content/2/dcx/79f7a02d-593f-4405-a951-83387b0e194b/rendition/preview.jpg/version/0/format/jpg/dimension/width/size/1200&quot; alt="Brazil under Attack by Old CIA and Deep State Brazil under Attack by Old CIA and Deep State• Guiding Star •makanabazari.wordpress.com" />   <img src="https://cdn.cp.adobe.io/content/2/dcx/79f7a02d-593f-4405-a951-83387b0e194b/rendition/preview.jpg/version/0/format/jpg/dimension/width/size/1200&quot; alt="Brazil under Attack by Old CIA and Deep State Brazil under Attack by Old CIA and Deep State• Guiding Star •makanabazari.wordpress.com" />  

Armenia relations with Azerbaijan and Turkey

The revolution in Armenia and new leadership provide perfect opportunity for Armenia to improve its ties with its neighbors especially Azerbaijan and Turkey. These long lasting diplomatic problems and hostilities must one day be solved and it is the day we take important steps toward solving the issues and improvement of ties.

Mass Overthrow operation SiiL under way, briefing by counter SiiL team

SiiL is a NATO missing but there is Classified mind control operation running in parallel. The Operation Siil? What do we call our counter? Contra siil? Sure Recently I have noticed rise in number of protests in Nicaragua and Armenia, today I noticed French protests still on and they are protesting. Today also we had [...]


I reject overthrow and regime change in Armenia if it is going to effect geopolitics and alliances Armenia has and I reserve the right to overthrow it later if then I find needed but as of now I see it absolutely pointless after the resignation of Prime Minster for the protest and progress toward regime [...]


Published on Facebook March/22 but there are more important articles on top of list: I also published it on Adobe Spark You can not overthrow Nicaragua. The Protests are systematic mass mind control operation by United States deep state and CIA. We need to prevent it and we will not allow it to happen. If [...]

CIA after 50 years of South American operations

We touch on subject of CIA involvement in Venezuela and Brazil and long lasting strategy of causing mistrust and distance between masses and Socialism. They want to forever kill socialism in South America ending them at worst possible situations

Pakistan over practice of overthrow and Makan Abazari coming as counter intelligence protection

Why Nawaz Sharif was overthrown? Nawaz Sharif was one of most successful leader Pakistan has had in last decade. One of the most important proof of that was China-Pakistan economic corridor which was one in a 50 years project considering imposed stallment of progress in middle east and remembering that was a word order level [...]