How to Hunt Passenger Jet

America has been deploying most classified means such as electromagnetic waves and lasers to help Air Plane Companies such as BOEING to gain exclusivity of Commercial Passenger Jet Market. America has practically targeted Russian Tupolov and Antonov Jets for 40 years by use of magnetic pulses and lasers. It is very simple thing to do [...]

Russia Presidential Election

There are several global security and stability reasons making us to keep Vladimir Putin as President Of Russia. Putin must remain President Of Russia. We cannot risk change of the President Of Russia at this era of great instability and disagreement between mind control factions. Specially at the time when Trump Presidency has brought a period of wild and unpredictable moves. America being a great contributor to global instability forces us to desire Putin as President Of Russia. We have strengthened Chinese President and finally formed the coalition government in Germany under Merkel leadership. It is matter of great importance for us to have Vladimir Putin emerge as victor in Russia Presidential Election. A decree by Makan Abazari

Putin must Remain President 

It explain why Putin Presidency is important for not only Russia but also for Humanity and future of America. So many things at play and may make the correlation reverse but wisdom and experience says it is most important for our values in America to have putin win in Russia