Italian Election

I support 5 Star Movement The Italian economy has been aggressively targeted in recent years. The strategic location of South Italy provides an excellent opportunity for an economy based around strategic position of Italy, shipping industry, and a network of rail roads to provide inter connected system of industries and infrastructures. These give ability to establish industries, factories, and manufacturing sectors while having access to sea based shipping to all over the globe. Now we want to produce all tiers of products in supply chains from low tech to high tech products, cars, and high value industrial products. The proximity to North Africa, Spain, East, and West Africa, and Middle East provide great opportunity for integrated network of trades and synchronized industries. There are also opportunities with developing regional interconnected Synchronized industry based on geopolitics of Italy, example, triangle of Pescara, Bari, and Makaraska via sea trade (Makaraska in Croatia and can be connected to Sarajevo and Mostar) Makan: “That triangle was one of my seal of Power you know that?‘ Another one is Hepta Metropolis of Naples, Rome, Messina, San Ferdinando, Cagliari, Tripoli and Tunis. These are old system on our earth for Economic Systems now forgotten as isolated cities. Welcome to New World Order of the Earth. We will connect Italian ports via rail road n a way that they go to different cities and industrial hubs along the way. Thus providing logistics for the Core I am building around Southern Italy. Italian core in Central and South Italy will be core of our Industries. After integrating North Africa, Balkan, Spain, Turkey, Greece, Israel, Syria, and my capital will be there from Iranian corridor through Iraq and Syria to Mediterranean forming a most powerful economic block in recent history. That way we will become a super power capable of confronting China and USA in one central Earth from Middle East to Mediterranean Sea. We can also claim our share of the earth and be partners with East and West. Chao Italy it is me, Iran (Persia). Do you want to fight me for Syria like old times? Let us be friends. Do you want to be with me like older times? We are here with silent hands just want to tell you we are here to rebuild Rome with the help of Makan , Prince of Persia and The King of Earth (Uncle Sam: Also Shadow Prince of CIA). We will be using these Sea based location for making a supply chain for all sectors including but not limited to manufacturing, oil refineries, and high tech products. We can also build a wide variety of nanoengineering, engineering, precision engineering, Biotechnology, and space exploration techs as I have Eastern, Western, and Northern Technological states as stars on my flag (Taiwan, Japan, South Korea, Russian Space techs, and technological sectors of USA). We use young population of North Africa for lower cost production while we use Cities like Naples for Strategic Sectors and Assembly Lines. Naples reminded me of Detroit the core of Northern USA System. We need to rebuild Naples the core of Mediterranean. It cannot be left malfunctioning like that. We finish Sarajevo to Makaraska transit line and build a synchronized Industry for Southern Italy in Bosnia and Balkan. It is time for Italy to work with Tunisia, Spain, Croatia, Libya, and Bosnia to build a 5 countries economic arms of the new Central Italian Century (I support 5 Star Movement) I am working on a middle Eastern and Mediterranean Economic Union. I have Spain, Greece, Balkan, Turkey, Syria, Lebanon and Arab Spring (North Africa) as Allies. We can work together and bring back the old world systems to Mediterranean and Middle Eastern Economic blocks thus reviving the lost world and sectors in a synchronized and modern way. Well I also have China, Brazil. Africa, Russia, ‘Sometimes Yes sometimes No for America and France’ and Great Britain but my Capital is a settlement in Iran. What is needed is a well-planned and synchronized economic development plan for Italy along with Tunisia, Libya, Balkan, and Spain to be integrated into Italy. Italy do you want to join my flag as 5 Stars forming a Star centered at Rome. I am here ,Prince of Persia, to rebuild The Rome. I support 5 star Movement My name itself is The Seal of Seals, I am the King of Earth Makan Abazari