Algae to Fuel; Advanced Applied Methods and Advanced design

In 2008 I wrote an article for my Biotech Class concerning Algae to Fuel topic. The Article later became guiding light of modern attempts and researches accumulating knowhow and capability to arrive at the end I envisioned. After 10 years I again attempted to write it and this time by couple of added approaches. But it is lighter on exact species and Gens since I am no longer active in Bioengineering and have a world of geopolitics and international relation to navigate and over watch.

Planetary Science and Nuclear Engineering for Space Mission I don’t know if you heard about my trillium powered spaceship project working on with Criers Intellectual property. You can use two different type of nuclear rods or cores to continuously reactivity trillium in these type of nuclear reactors. So your rod last much longer before getting exhausted. My Spaceship is meant to reach [...]