Taliban-USA-Iran Talks

USA-Taliban-Iran-talks.pdf Taliban-USA Military talks are very important progress toward peace in Afghanistan. We finally reaching point of having Afghan government to directly join talks and other important points needed to be addressed in the talk. Until now the negotiators were not even allowed to talk about Afghan government. But there is hope such conversation in [...]

USA Military Pressence in Middle East and Mind Controled Terrorists by USA

usa-military-presence-in-syria-and-afghanistan.pdf America is once more mind controlling Terrorists in Syria and Afghanistan. They have Heyat Tahrir Al-Sham being mind controlled to take over regions in Syria. This is again Uncle Sam producing excuse for USA troops to maintain presence in Syria. According ABC news this group has taken over 20 villages in Syria. It is [...]

The Sabotages against our Good Earth Efforts

https://www.facebook.com/plugins/post.php?href=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2Fmakan.abazari%2Fposts%2F10156432399099724&width=500 I am trying make peace between India and Pakistan they come and obstruct by terror attacks, then I have peace talks in Afghanistan and they mind control Taliban into most intense battle for taking Cities ISIS style, then I am working on rail road and ports in Chabhar Iran then mind control asshole comes [...]

Afghanistan Strategy; a cooperative work with US Army

This is strategy for Afghanistan to bring peace to the all sides of the fight. Iran can play a great role in future of Afghanistan and its development including Taliban peace talks. Once Afghanistan is developed young Afghanis have alternative path other than terror to pursue thus we have such focus. It also includes important document concerning return of rivers and urgent need for resettlements and construction of reservoirs.

Governing The Earth on June/30/2018

Canada Tariff on USA produced steel Canada can engage in Tariff war by simply copying what America did by putting Tariff on imported Steel and Aluminum from America. Thus some 25 to 27 percent on American steel and some 12 percent on Aluminum. We also want the capabilities in Canada, Australia, and England. By capabilities [...]

US Military Strategy for enduring victory in Afghanistan

My secretary of state #Tillerson is in #Pakistan discussing south Asia security and #Afghanistan with Pakistani government. I decided to rewrite the strategy we previously released. Yes we released it previously with Makan Abazari on #Russian Times and again later of Facebook concerning American strategy in Afghanistan. There are master files and series of codes, [...]