Change of White House Staff Attorney General was makan delrahim but he is not me. My name is Makan Abazari. Nikkei Haley you can go and kick her out she is also fake. Then we get to John Kelly my Mask, do you remember John Kerry, Jim Kerry, and Elon Musk my other Mask? John Kelly is not protecting [...]

Netanyahu cannot talk about Iran or there will be consequences for USA

Netanyahu speech on United Nations General Assembly should not influence mind control of other world leaders. If it leads to one Negative and Anti Iran Speech we will create an actors who has nothing to say but to harm image of United States of America for 20 years. Similar to Netanyahu who lives to lie about Iran there will be an actor who will lives to change the opinion of the world against United States.

By Makan Abazari previous leader of freedom fighters, liberal era of uprising, and past backdoor Advisor to Iranians and Russians in theater of War in Syria and Iraq against ISIS: I need UN current meeting involving opposition in Syria to understand their duty and role is not of the overthrow wing and tool of US [...]

International Criminal Court

I need international courts, criminal courts, and even American and European Union Courts that can to give rulings against Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia. I need him isolated ro Saudi Arabia and if he step outside of Saudi be arrested for war crime, genocide, terror financing, and taking leaders of other countries, to be Exact [...]