Inflation in Value Of Stocks

Stock Market is seeing higher and higher prices without real productivity and without real increased value. That is a form of inflation, that is why value of dollar is so over priced and needs to come down. Because World monetary value is set and the improvement is global in the price of stocks. So where [...]

Cuban two new Economic Models

I have two outcome for Cuba in mind: • First plan and maybe outcome: The plan is to return tourism to Cuba by Americans. Advertise it, expand It, and make it a major part of its economy. Intergrate cuban industry and economy into economics of South Eastern US’s economy and offer them membership into NAFTA. [...]

Davos and report on state of our world affairs

The state of our world today, difficulties, and Challenges. Some of efforts and suggestions that was inspired by works we recently did by Global Intercontinental and other parties involved was mentioned yesterday morning. We are happy to help further if needed. Well there is us and them and Davos is conversation between intermediaries. There are far deeper underlying factors and issues in the fundamentals and the way our world functions. Some thing needed to be done and here is report of our world Today. A set of directives and secret shared for World Economic Forum in Davos. By Makan Abazari