Value of Dollar, Value of Other Currencies affected, Inflation, Quantitative Easing, America’s Credit rating, and Global Inflation

This article analysis some of secrets of world economy kept hidden away from public eye due to miss information. It will teaches us the relation of dollar with other currencies and why other currencies especially in Small Countries have been seeing high inflation.

New World Currency: New Toman

Toman To va man? Thou and Me? Truman and the Two Men. Dollar Do La? Dinar Daria Rial? Then Qom, Gom, and Guam. Toman Truman, and Tuman Bay, Time To reestablish Toman as New World Currency. If we want to solve the issue of the global Great Depression. Don't look at Europe, China, America, Russia, [...]


Zimbabwe, Mogadu, Africa, Makan Abazari, That is that King of All of that, Running CIA, NASA, and White house just like that also all that all of that shots upon shots of that now all that Two more back reviewed that and updated that as complete version in all that, so now it is both of that these and those conclusion of both of those, so add your tours, now it is of those, Nickel Battery for electric cars and Tesla, Ellon Musk, and now add that there is one more on all of that, stop mentioning Silicon and Nickel Material system as Ellon Musk who talks too much all classified in all of that we lost our exclusivity on all of that by you talking about all of that