Spain farming industry is needed in Venezuela, message to King of Spain from Makan Abazari

Hey, can you get Spanish King to have some Spanish farming and development team to do a project for me? #Spain #Venezuela #South #America #Catalan. I decided to choose spain and if America fixes the communication problem have America. Until then I need Spain bring tractors, machineries, farm engineeres and farmers to go to venezuela and quickly transform the trains and build an industry of food production locally in #Venezuela. After this They should be able to produce food for themselves in Venezuela and have some packaging industry to export some more complex food industry products like Chocolate and expensive cheese. I need Spanish or America capitalist come in and build a factory for production and packaging of such products, if British or Iranians are available they may do that to but priority is Spain. Iranians are already there so they can cover for others too. We need to have that ready fast for planting, literally in matter of couple of weeks lots of farm should be operational due to start of Sporing season. There is also mega diary industry we need there. We also need a pharmacudecal end product synthesis there. Meaning A is produced in #Spain, #Germany, #Iran, or #America. They can produce B or not. Then A and B are used by function N to produce Pharmaceutical O in these Pharmaceutical factories we need to build there and train Venezuela to operate. We later discus giving them refinery and petrochemical industry with depth to make them super power of that industry. Maybe USA starts American national oil Industry and starts doing same they will be doing in America be doing in Venezuela. If you want to buy their oil you need give them refinery capabilities. Same goes with Libya. We can also build them nuclear reactors and we have only Russia for that at this time for #Venezuela. But for Britain I got Chinese first but then I said I rather Germany or America build british nuclear reactor andI had Qatar to finance it I don’t know they changed according my order or now. Anyway for Venezuela we only have Russia to build them and their concretes are eligible and their computers on reactors were infected years ago I don’t know about now, I also need your civil war in south Sudan end since I have Chinese there developing as Iranian revolutionary guards developed #Nigerian infra structure decade ago so it was ready to be taken over by others and be turned to largest economy in Africa. Hello Nigeria, without us building bones of your industry you would not be what you are today. Iran, America, Iranian Royal force. Makan Abazari #Development plans like these are basics but they are emergency and we all need to help. Armenia has foo but has no economic production. Bringing tourism industry or development to Armenia appreciated only if you are not going to compete with Iranian federal authorities there afterward. 

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