Zimbabwe, we testing the first economic project

In order to use the Machine we need to have excellent management and planning. It also will be using Mind Control Aided efficiency to succeed. I removed capital problem by using free military and purchased machineries, trucks, and construction. It is pre assembly line in Africa. So you know our hands are tied to great extend but horizons are limitless for start. I recently changed the government there to do this experiment. Don’t forget my Zimbabwe population, prosperity, and human capital we do it for them.

Report on computational prediction of Kurdish Independence and Possible Break out of Iraq-Kurd Civil War

We have intelligence some people in America, Israel, and Think Tanks are engineering a Civil war in Iraq. If they succeed in starting that fire, the Civil war involved Kurdistan Iraq and Iraq Central government there will be following subsequent events: Before explaining that we have this message “we are giving you 5 warning shot [...]

Spain farming industry is needed in Venezuela, message to King of Spain from Makan Abazari

Hey, can you get Spanish King to have some Spanish farming and development team to do a project for me? #Spain #Venezuela #South #America #Catalan. I decided to choose spain and if America fixes the communication problem have America. Until then I need Spain bring tractors, machineries, farm engineeres and farmers to go to venezuela [...]

Swarm of Drones weakness and strength, USA Air force analysis and testing result, simulations were carried previously 

What is my opinion on swarm of low cost drones that 1000s of them controlled by one person? Yes we worked that out in Tehran villa. I like the version that each drone carries a robot and drops the robot and return while having robots with wide range predefined task such as signal intelligence gathering, [...]

The code is here, If you want to recognise who and what. 

The Code where is Mccen? The girl lost in 1970s. Meaning we are waiting for next Person like Kissinger and Churchill. The Mccen meant Makan. Madmine Albright, Makan Abazari. But Makan Abazari is also lion, King of earth, owner of nexus, and Antsasia means owner of mining and machine, and Elizabeth, Ali's bat (reference to [...]