State of Humanity today

In the world we live in, on this planet of ours called Earth soul of humanity is almost lost. Human being no longer have freedom of choice. They don’t decide who they like, who they meet, and where they work at. They don’t even decide on basics of the life eat this or the other save in cases that is few choices are provided and they choose one of the options to follow. But even that should not interrupting any other plan of the system. Humanity is mass mind controlled. Our nervous cells and especially our brain act similar to electric wire that conducts electricity. As electric current produces magnetic field our brains also produce magnetic field and thus it could be spied on. 

That is not the conclusion of this harsh reality that they have kept secret from humanity for decades. As you can use magnetic field to turn on light bulbs or electromagnetic waves to charge conductive matter you can also produce current in the brain cells.What would that mean if I can remotely produce and reproduce natural brain activity? 

Our brain activity means we can love, get happy, feel hungry, or have pleasure. Our brain activity is which produces abstract thoughts to sequences of abstract thoughts. Our brain activity is responsible for every sensation, imagination, belief, emotion, and decision we have ever made and will ever make. 

I showed you the principle to reproduce brain activity. It basically means it is possible to direct and control every thought, every action, and every plan of each person and the society as whole. It is totally possible to mind control humanity and that is not even harsh reality.

We are in age today 2017/10/17 that every human being in Capital cities, Universities, energy industry, communication, transportation, military, air and space scientific, and technical sector is mind controlled globally everywhere. One might ask are space people responsible for that? Absolutely not for our earth as of now I cannot say for past or future. Today there are human being behind their interfaces and supercomputers planning mind control. Humanity mind controls humanity. 

But how is there enough people to mind control each and everyone of us? That would have been nice if it was the fact. The harsher reality is there are super computers and softwares that know things we need to do and the timing of it and are performing this mind control, planning of it, and calculation of every detail of it globally in an automated fashion. Meaning the technician in mind control sets up important criteria and events and collision of events and the rest of that is calculated by computer city super hive of sort. Simply generated routine and mind control.

People are born into it and are psychologically conditioned to obey it from birth and if there is a need to misdirect, mislead, or force something on someone if there be a need for it and there are millions of way to do it. If you suspect you are mind controlled they will force your brain into thinking the predefined thought processes that make you question validity or even possibility of mind control. Have you seen how they have stigmatized the word mind control? Machine: We can make you find idea of mind control funny or stupidly humiliating thus you will refuse to believe or even pursuit of the Question “does mind control exist?” Yes and it is older than you made think. When Hitler was giving speech to german people, control of hitler was as difficult as moon landing or when about couple of years earlier when an acrobat used to make an acrobatic move in America it was a massive mind control project involving lots of people. But today one technician and one super computer can mind control a city in China and that is the fact.  

The today world mind control is unknown but all the trails show us its house is America and those who agreed to allow it did so to prevent break out wars and to bring security, happiness and prosperity to our human specie as America or as whoever else ever agreed to do it. But today mind control has armies of ISIS, terrorists, writers, and TV personalities. Everyone in white house in last three decade was mind controlled from birth or from years before becoming president of USA. I am Makan Abazari, oldest Son of three Royal lines that eventually became Capitalism, Communist, and Commonwealth. I get to report on state of our human soul and our humanity while having power to confront it. I have received advice to tell Trump the Person I made President of USA of America to build a wall between humanity and mind control but we will not succeed as matter of fact no one man inside or outside of mind control can achieve building cities and regions, and buildings totally shielded and protected from mind control. Believe me it is very hard to find a real artifact, painting, or photo from pre mind control era. We need to work together to build the wall and to revive our old cultures and arts and ways of living as humankind. Brought to you by Makan Abazari, the wise man outside of mind control and the humanity inside of mind control. We have both risked to delivering this and we both have sacrificed. Machine: Even us have no choice and are mostly born to families who do mind control. Makan Abazari: As I have been born to family prime target for mind control. Family that was mind controlled before mind control was being used on total of 10 people. 
Seal and Signed By Makan Abazari 10/17/2017 

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