Outcome of Simulation on USA-Iran Military Conflict

This is my analysis and outcome of simulations we ran long ago without giving too much intelligence: “Iran can kill all American Military bases in region by Missile Barrages and decimate currently established bases within first 30 minutes of any conflict Iran will simply destroy all USA military bases. Anyone housing USA troops will witness [...]

Iran Israel Transit?

SERIES OF VERY SERIOUS SCIENTIFIC WORKS BY MAKAN ABAZARI AND HIS TEAMS. Criers Intellectual Property, Iranian Royal Forces Intellectual Properties, Makan EcoIndustrial Metropolitan Engineering, Revolutionary Guards of Iran, Some Jewish People, NASA, and European and Russian Space Agency. Oh Trump Sanctioned IRGC I need to cross out NASA.

Terror Attacks on Russia are Mass Psychology Plots

CIA and deep state behind terror attacks against Russia. CIA once more is weaponizing terror attacks. they started using terrorist attacks against Russians, they informed Russia about previous one but the purpose was to clear themselves from it. CIA thinks we are stupid. We raised and groomed all of you from childhood and you think [...]

Silent war on Turkey

On Turkish gold trader who is accused of helping Iran evade sanctions and trade oil for gold. The Individual of interest Zarrab was at US court recently and some events have played out pointing at US mind control of Zarrab. He came out and said:” He did the illegal exchange under directive and authorization of [...]

Guidelines on UN peace talks on Syria

I also need a unified Syrian government for post peace era. Where the central government has very easy way to decide and act as confidence force to work and allow its allies Iran and Russia on the ground if needs be. I need also Syria part of Iranian front as i was during pre war [...]

2016 and Manafort

2016 and Manafort I agree so much of my inputs and orders have been attributed to other people and lots of nothing they did example the case Manafort involvement with Russians became so big that ended up requiring national and FBI investigations into it. The investigation of so called Russian meddling in our election. But [...]

Review of Recent blogs by me on Adobe Spark

https://spark.adobe.com/page/UT0fnjIphauqb/ It is a clickable Link to my Spark Articles

State of Humanity today

https://spark.adobe.com/page/FQbezXCVQQFGX/ https://www.facebook.com/makan.abazari In the world we live in, on this planet of ours called Earth soul of humanity is almost lost. Human being no longer have freedom of choice. They don’t decide who they like, who they meet, and where they work at. They don’t even decide on basics of the life eat this or [...]

Report on computational prediction of Kurdish Independence and Possible Break out of Iraq-Kurd Civil War

We have intelligence some people in America, Israel, and Think Tanks are engineering a Civil war in Iraq. If they succeed in starting that fire, the Civil war involved Kurdistan Iraq and Iraq Central government there will be following subsequent events: Before explaining that we have this message “we are giving you 5 warning shot [...]

Perspective of absolute expert on Swarm of Locusts UAVs and counters, involving other air formations under full confrontation senario

https://www.facebook.com/makan.abazari https://spark.adobe.com/page/XzBgIlAz5uHJl/ By Makan Abazari originally Published on my Linkedin Yes we worked that out in Tehran villa, Tehran Farman Farmaian, and Brookline Massachusetts via classified methods. At the time prototype was classified to me and we were working on concepts. We mostly worked on its humanitarian and communication set up and version that will [...]

Swarm of Drones weakness and strength, USA Air force analysis and testing result, simulations were carried previously 

What is my opinion on swarm of low cost drones that 1000s of them controlled by one person? Yes we worked that out in Tehran villa. I like the version that each drone carries a robot and drops the robot and return while having robots with wide range predefined task such as signal intelligence gathering, [...]