2016 and Manafort

2016 and Manafort

I agree so much of my inputs and orders have been attributed to other people and lots of nothing they did example the case Manafort involvement with Russians became so big that ended up requiring national and FBI investigations into it. The investigation of so called Russian meddling in our election. But once you look into meddling, charges, people involved and all of their crimes and involvements together they don’t qualify for one criminal charge nor an investigation. All of the so called Russian involvement should be connected to something or someone that gives it actual importance and spirit that drives it. The soul of it. I should brief you I, Makan Abazari, made Trump President, I made BREXIT happened and interrupted Spanish Election against Unidos Podemos but I was not directly involved with any Russian. I simply posted on facebook and for first time I had my own counter intelligence agency to send text messages to the Iranian counter Intelligence. Although my involvement started due to the protections I needed when operating in Iran and it was my third travel to that country and the last time protection became very important. I needed protection against my own mind controlled family. It was also my third back door communication with Iran. My first travel to Iranian initiated Iran and America nuclear deal diplomatic process. Second travel I had to Iran was end of Nuclear talks with Iran and signing the deal. Don’t forget I used the code, Surah Al Qalam from Quran, resulted in immediate signing of Nuclear Agreement between Iran and 6+1 thus I signed as soul of JCOPA, Nuclear Club plus Germany, and Iran from Tehran Vila Tehran Iran. The event we are going to discuss is my next trip to Iran or third travel to Iran which lasted over a year. I had already established one way connection with Iran, and for first time in addition to facebook I had a phone number to send messages to as secret communication involving secret messages for leadership of my forces (they did nothing with it mind control kept classified status of them preserved and extracted orders and communications from them) Man it was good teamwork I won in every battle ground and in every counterintelligence and intelligence operation in the world save one. I only lost in Brazil when I could not pervent impeachment of Roussof in Brazilian Parliament . I won America by Trump, Britain with BREXIT, and Spain the three big, France was named after me by Macron. I provided military advice for liberation of Fallujah. As I guided military operations in Syria by Russian and Iranian assets in Syria, I also used Kurds and US military. Sorry if I refused your ceasefire proposal in aleppo because every time I was about to take total control of aleppo you would come with John Kerry and propose cease fire that only delayed end of Syrian Civil war. So I rejected your time buying Mechanism for Rebels and liberated Aleppo totally and thus broke the Assad Regime change strategy by taking biggest price for negotiation from rebels to Iranian-Syrian-Russian side. I also had Navy Seal Seven, Iranians and Russian Air Force to Kill Abubakr Baghdadi in Raqqa in 2016. I permitted that.What else we did we did lots of things. we were present in every important event from South China Sea to Brazil. We did all that conclusion of all of that. Makan Abazari defeated all of you from Iran and he did not even obey mind control, He won by opposing mind control and fighting back. Although he listened to voice of reason but slightest assumption that mind control want something and he would have opposed it full force unless there was a more important reason. For example, Makan Abazari is heir to Godfather of Wellesley college and Godfather to Suzan Rice and Hillary Clinton. (he didn’t get the wealth story is long) But since mind control supported Clinton during that election Makan Abazari opposed her and supported Trump. Makan had already experienced fake Liberalism of Obama era and back straps and infiltration by Obama era strategies and Obama methods in his revolution in Egypt, Libya, and Syria. He saw how Obama liberal voice was the time when Democrat Gabriel Giffords was shot and Jo Coxx was killed. Makan Abazari had already appointed Jo Coxx a Knight earlier in America thus that was killing of his Knight. He saw Clinton as more aggressive Obama so he opposed her and the guy who had no chance. Trump had absolutely no chance. But Makan Abazari efforts in building republican base from 2012 and earlier than that through mind control allies of Makan. Makan unified Republican base, brought Democrats into the fold to support Trump. Many as Bernie Sanders, Liberals, Muslims, and Equality and Justice Knights unified behind Trump because Makan Abazari supported Trump. When he got to America there was media and publication all out war on White House and President Trump. Even the State department was denied any action under President Trump. Makan Abazari liberated Trump and white house. He orchestrated many of made in America strategies, Technology week, and many other American long policies, strategies and technological classified long term plans, including NASA mission was done under Makan Abazari supervision. You stole Makan Abazari share of recognition by changing Navy Ship Makan Abazari name to Gerald Ford Navy Ship. You even Hijacked Trump foreign policy and Sanctioned Iran. The nation that hosted and protected Makan Abazari in midst of biggest intelligence war of century and brought Trump and America victory in Makan Abazari name. Now you distanced America, white house and Trump from Makan Abazari. This offer is to those who sabotaged it and American mind control.Now do you want Makan Abazari as your boss or he goes with Eastern Blocks. I mean he doesn’t accept less than total commander of your combined efforts. Brought to you by secret US agency. Makan Abazari leader of combined forces, the 101, and Liberty Marathon Champion.

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