Iran protests in era of never ending wars

It is the era that wars do not end. The mind control system and their interests manage the wars in a way that they do not end. Even if there is a chance at victory and finishing the war the waring parties are made to overlook it either by mind control or due use of diplomatic leverage, distractions, or an opening left behind that as make them open to attack behind their army forcing them to return in defence. It is the case of our current history. (Mind Control: As individual members of human family we are not proud of it)

Why is this the case? It is simply a war attrition. The war that forces two military engage in battle one with aids and other one with national assets. This quickly leads to total destruction of economy, fall of civic society, and set back of all national infrastructures, developments, and hopes of the people. It is to reset and keep nations in middle east backward. We saw it in case of Syria. I used to lead the rebels at the early days of uprising. We came to outskirts of Damascus and then there was super psychological warfare and hijack of my mind control. That was a signal that these wars shall not end. I also lead Libyan uprising and toppled Libyan leader Ghaddafi. At that time I was involved even with details. Not like now that I get briefing and a tour and we move forward or stall a process. But what happened to Libya? They killed Ambassador we had. Wiped everyone connected to me and then started another civil war there also by three waring parties. Egypt was toppled by a coup. Yemen was set to go to its own dangerous days. They say 10 thousands people died in Yemen. Well beyond one million people died in Yemen.

This wars don’t end and after I strictly forbidden CIA from doing it there is hijack of my authority and Master Keys on decisions and operation as such. I have not allowed even one popular uprising happen since then, I consider using my keys to start protests in America from black life matters to mass protests across the US against donald Trump and CIA. I can also do it elsewhere in the world. Is this the times to go offensive to stop Israel advance in the mind control, hijack, hybrid warfare front? It must be coming home to interest groups from Washington to Tel Aviv. We have million ways to confront the move by Israel and CIA using hijacked keys and authorities. We are considering.

Everything is on the table as far as strategies. We are 75 nations against a half province and Mind Control Mafia Super State.

Let me introduce to you the hive mind behind Protestors, Syrian Rebels, and trump. The super computers orchestrate every move and every bit.

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