Think Tanks and Deep State Under Investigation

An important review of Think Tanks showing evidence of opposing world order change and pushing against the limits of old world order against the shift of policy world order team has in mind. The problem is they are mindless and cannot express opposite point of view they are like group of ants trying to build an ant house for wrong Queen.

Updated List Of Black Listed Think Tanks

Hudson institute is added to list of Black listed think tank controlled by Stupid AI and still in pursuit of void strategies. This think tank now serves as deep state Mafia and needs to be ended. Financial support and backing of it is now illegal until align itself by world order directives, first we are not overthrowing Iran. Two we are ending war in Syria even if it is under bashed al Assad rule. We are done with that project and we promise to interrupt your work toward extending this war. We may our source American Think Tank input into American policy since they have turned into mindless machines,

aficionado Charles should be held responsible for many of Criminal and defamation act he carried out with aid of mind control Mafia and Middle East institute, for accepting money from UAE we have explicitly banned money from UAE and Saudi in American policy making and Think Tanks. UAE armed military faction in Libya against UN ban on arm sells and delivery. UAE is among those guilty of inclusion in causing over million death in Yemen and Syria. UAE has extended beyond its authority and charted world order and it is time for UAE to be suppressed.

Michael Pregent due to his ignorance on subject and polar view of the events. Extremely weak are his point of views in report I received it reminds me of a 17 years old strategies. Simply a cog of machine.

Brian Katulis from the Center for American Progress, It could be another mindless and mind controlled cog of Overthrow Machine so I go slowly on this one. But their long term strategy and world order understanding need to change. They can not be aligned to side of UAE or tuned into deep state hijack of CIA job. Deep state starts overthrow of Iran without shadow Prince of CIA and then we have them all become birds that sing to tune of deep state hijacked authority and manufactured key. Also no UAE cash is allowed. My advisor reminded me of a point, this institution is also on full black list.

Peter Bergen and CNN role for Overthrow has ended, I want you to focus on Trump Russia case or overthrowing deep state. If I need CNN to sing Overthrow song I will let you know. For now we are after deep state and it includes lots of mindless mind controlled academics and Think tank groups. I doubt CNN is ready for that job. So jerk it off with Trump Russia case and decorate it with FBI stuff then bring Trump opposition as have them sprinkle on top of it and that 6 month of TV programming. Maybe you can help with Overthrow deep state. You know the fake boss behind the scene that needs to come down, the boss of yours. Yeah that, we are after that. Now all that.

these behaviors Of Think tank under mass mind control most cease. If it is persisting it means someone is using keys and authority they do not have right to use. Without authority they orchestrate symphony of wrong strategy and undesired global actions and leanings. There is no soul inside or outside of mind control authorized to present these strategies and projects but only remains Me, Makan Abazari. It is fundamental rule of system and it is system means to oversaw and manage the events with global consequences. Thus they are only delivered through me and I am the one who moderates the system. These groups activated by other players are creating global and national security issues.

There is another problem and that is back Story in the head of these people. The second is back Story in the head of people who stole keys and authority. Thus they are set in polar view to confront Iran and cause destruction and genocides to set back certain nations. They even lack sufficient understanding, those who have used the keys to mass mind control think tank. Think tanks may see and comprehend but they cannot express system point of view due to financial dependencies and control. Mechanisms set to confront anyone who may oppose their 40 years old AI and global strategy. That will be politically dangerous to support strong and vibrant economy for Iran.They Think “ So let us go where the money is a corporate nation, UAE, providing cash. All we have to do What America wants. To confront Iran.” That is not always the case specially at current stage we are changing world order and we are in pursuit of immediate end to Syrian war. As far as border change there will Be Economic Zone in Middle eat consisting of multiple nations. We need UAE, Qatar, and Kuwait to be on that Union with Iran, Turkey, Syria, Iraq, and Pakistan, this is very important for confronting a full host of future national security chalices. We need to unify Middle East now or give our role as the US to EU or Russia so they can deliver. Things are unfolding and USA Think Tank is bouncing between Geopolitic paraolympics and Space monkey Air Show.

If donation reaches 1 million dollar we will provide a strategic advice for Source Of Donation and one strategic advice for USA if it reaches 3 million dollar independent from source. Zero as of the posting. We will also help increase size of world economy by extra one percent annually for 3 years if it reaches 1 billion dollar. Any amount is welcome and we do not do favors for money.

We have more money than all of you teachers folks combined, money is so worthless we gave ownership of it up. It is just for some projects In Far open places.

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