Iran Visit to G7 summer 2019

Iran must not change any of his plans on expanding its nuclear program. The current talks in g7 and Iran are not going to bare any fruit and they are only going to be some diplomatic pleasantries. In the past we had talks with Europe and other world powers but they never changed anything. If [...]

Signal For Recession in America

Trump Tariffs on China translates to collapse of stock market. Let me go back to the history of the previous collapse We made sure the economy does not go into total collapse in 2009 aand decided to make people aware that World Economy had collapsed in 2009. Because the debt of banks was no longer [...]


We need to ensure there is no civil war in Sudan and we must ensure there is safe transition to the next government. But Sudan lacks mind control help and protections. Its democracy can be weaponized against them to take over their country and do very bad moves against interests of Sudan by new government. [...]


#China#Trump Trump has recently said I am the Chosen One for taking on China. We certainly knew this and we hoped to use him to contain Chinese Manufacturing expansion. But we did not plan nor wanted pressure against Chinese tech sectors because we hope to bring an advanced scientific age to our world by Chinese scientific [...]

Trump’s attacks on Chairman of Federal Reserve is worsening longterm Economic Outlook

Federal Reserve must increase the interest rates. Trump knew Fed is about to increase the interest rates and pressured Federal Reserve to reduce the interest rates. He simply went on offensive to prevent Federal Reserve from increasing interest rates. The independence of Federal Reserve is most important in World Economy and Global economic security. We [...]

Recent Measures to return Autonomy to Jammu and Kashmir

India must rerun autonomy to Jammu and KashmirRetaliatory actions we have taken so far:Confirming up coming recession in Americarecent spike in Inflation in Emerging MarketsTaking cities from Syrian rebels in Northeast SyriaAuthorizing Turkey to target Kurds in SyriaTargeting America and India by weather warfareSpeeding up BREXIT ProcessAuthorizing Military attack on Israel by some actorsUNSC meeting [...]


By Makan Abazari Value of Stocks in United States of America has picked. They cannot continue to grow. The stocks are very risky assets as more you sell the lower their value will become. For example if I sell thousand shares they will be much cheaper afterward. Thus the value of stocks have bubbled. People [...]

Governance of the Week 7/9/2018

This Article was first published on 7/9/2018 but the image was not showing correctly on face book so I recreated the blog but returned it back to 12/12/2017 so there is no 2 of same after each other Russia-America Relations: China-Germany Meeting and Global Supply Chains: Trump Visit to Britain: Mike Pompeo Visit to Iraq: American [...]

Iran Nuclear Program

Why it is so important for Iran to build Nuclear Bombs?See Muslim world has no weapon of mass destruction. Libya has given up its Nuclear Bombs. Saudi, Iran, Turkey, or any other Muslim Nation lack Nuclear Weapons and deterrence. America has already killed very large population of Muslim World from 1900 to 1945. But this [...]


Iran's using its right according to JCPOA to not uphold its part of bargain if America or any other signatory fails to uphold its part. This will weaken Trumps' chances of winning second term of USA Presidency. This move by Iran made it absolute that Trump will not be USA president in 2020. Now not [...]

COUP of Venezuelan Leader Rejected

We are not overthrowing Venezuela and such attempts will be confronted by full force. Venezuela is location where Nuclear Bombers of Russia are placed. Only under Maduro we can keep nuclear bombers in Venezuela. It is because America has Nuclear Bombs and Tomahawks all over Eurasia and Africa with capability to nuclear bomb Russia, China, [...]

Iranian Toman must be 1000 to 1 US Dollar then we will give a break to USA Stock Markets

America’s manipulating Iranian currency and reducing its value. It harms industries, intermediate sectors, and economic activity of people. Many folks reliant on import of parts from abroad now have difficulty purchasing parts because the Iranian money has become so undervalued. Countries without oil in 10 years of war, no industry, and limited production have their [...]

Iranian Semiconductor Industry

Iran must start Industrial Park for development of Electronics and semiconductors. Iran must also work on commercialization and product development of electronics. There is wide range of knowledge based sectors Iran can develop and commercialize. Also building a town for development of software similar to Silicon Valley will be very useful for Iran. Iran can [...]

Important reminder on Silk Road

#Silk #Road #OBOR Most important part of Silk Road, OBOR, is construction of rail ways. Rail ways will lead to land transit and expansion of global economy by hundred percent. The Rail Way system must be built very rapidly. It is one of those projects needing global effort and rapid development. It is especially most [...]

Mind Control Secrets

99 percent of Human Population is mind controlled. Even animal in protected area are mind controlled. It is why predators don’t attack cities as often anymore. Human family is mind controlled by might of super computers. There is an AI Artificial Intelligence used to solve the difficulties which may arise during mass mind control and [...]

Swine Fever as weapon against China’s Food Security

America has employed Biological Weapons on Swine Fever in Chinese Pork Industry. It has led to reduction of pork production in China. It has reduced the food security of China. America does so by weather warfare, Biological Weapons, and other means to supress Chinese food production and thus increase China's reliance on American Farmers and [...]

Fake god

Now that the Boss of that mind control sees I must say there are people in mind control who have concerns about our world and want to fix it and be caring of balance of power, state of humanity, believes, and other such things you must listen to them. In order to ensure the important [...]

Draws in Overthrows and Pakistan-USA Relation  See we have problem with this false draws in regime change attempts. Iranian economy must be functioning like a Machine producing revenue and manufacturing goods with customers preferring Iranian products but USA treasury, CIA, and sanctions have manipulated economy and currencies so people are suffering. It is also the case in Venezuela and [...]

Stars on Seal of USA President Iran:”I had 12 arrows with Makan Abazari but America and Israel used all of them for American internal problems. This is why the 13th arrow is also mine. See Iran controlled 12 stars from 13 original States of United States. but the black Star be yours but I have the arrow. Then it comes [...]

China’s Role in World Order Part 1; Military and Infrastructures

#China #World #Order Role of China in New World Order is integration with Central Earth. Central Earth is Russia, Iran, Middle East, Inner Mongolia, and Red Sea. We are turning deserts into grass lands and habitable places and establish new metropolitans. China must focus on building Infrastructures toward West and connect itself to Iran, Central [...]

Adminstration; Libya

Free Sons of Gaddafi and Muslim brotherhood. Give Muslim Brotherhood Civic institutions and projects. Also give Gaddafi Children Logistics and Freedom. Seif Ol-Islam. Tell him I will rebuild Libya and will give him and his country power and prosperity. As matter of fact start industrial absolutely most efficient development of Libya. Also place Iranian administrators [...]

UNSC Permanent Veto Rights

Give Iran one Permanent Security Council Sit and give Saudi Arabia one sit. Saudi’s UN permanent sit will be controlled by Qatar until 2024 when we ensure Saudi Arabia ceases hostility against Iran. I am also holding the 8th sit as only brother of seven sisters. Seven security council sits for Iran, Saudi Arabia (For [...]

UNSC Permanent Veto Rights

I have also a Brother Saman Abazari currently in France who shall lead Saxon, Red Sea Nations, and be involved with the governance of their empire as their King. Edit or delete this LikeShow more reactions · Reply · 14h Makan Abazari Makan Abazari We won world war, soft war, election war, and mind control [...]

UNSC Version two

There are 7 security Council Veto Rights now in hand of seven empires Iran, Saudi Arabia (Needing Saudi or Egypt decision to Veto. Later to be decided which one. Also absolute Majority of Sudan, Somalia, Egypt, Yemen, Ethiopia, Eritrea, and Djibouti (I personally vote as Djibouti here as it is my private State) My brother [...]

Chief of Staff Business

Anyone in White House with plots against Iran, anti Iran lobbyists, friends, and efforts should be taken out of White House and cut from all communications with Trump. I also need anyone with known anti Iran interest to be blocked from contacting White House by the Chief of staff. Do you have anti Iran interests? [...]

Eid Mubarak

Make sure rains are very weak in West of Iran and are relatively stronger in South East and over deserts and dry regions. Also have some heavy rain over Negev Desert in Israel and on Sinai Deserts in Egypt. These two locations where so important centers of Civilizations and were bustling with life and human [...]

Imam Makan

I must say all of the population of huamn family is mind controlled. It happens due to effect of softwares. The world leaders and people in charge of nations and even their names are according to patterns and pre planned events. Before there was French, British, and Spanish Empire there was Middle Eastern Super powers. [...]

Economic Collapse

GEOPOLITICS ticking tic tic tic it clicks 8 times and then it breaks. It was our Poly technique which collapsedDate: August 8, 2018Author: Makan Abazari0 CommentsTrump’s uncontrolled Tariffs and constant pressures on China are harming global supply chain systems. The highly integrated supply chain of global industries have been under heavy pressure due to Trump [...]

USA Presidents

Now Nixon ended manufacturing based economy ended constant value of dollar and started fluctuation in its value wiping out Iranian, everyone’s and Indian Wealth and holdings. Once he did this we impeached him. We ended him like a little dog later. Also in case of Clinton we impeached him for putting sanctions on Iran. America [...]

Phenix Rising; Global Industrial Supply Chains

ticking tic tic tic it clicks 8 times and then it breaks. It was our Poly technique which collapsedDate: August 8, 2018Author: Makan Abazari0 CommentsTrump’s uncontrolled Tariffs and constant pressures on China are harming global supply chain systems. The highly integrated supply chain of global industries have been under heavy pressure due to Trump Tariffs [...]

Benny Gantz is best for Israel Dream

I must say Benny Gantz is better choice for Prime Minister of Israel. Both have flaws and strength but Benny Gantz is better for long term security of Israel. #Netanyahu Benjamin Netanyahu - בנימין נתניהו #Israel @Netanyahu can not remain Prime Minister of Israel. He endangers long term security of Israel by aggressive moves against [...]

Outcome of Simulation on USA-Iran Military Conflict

This is my analysis and outcome of simulations we ran long ago without giving too much intelligence: “Iran can kill all American Military bases in region by Missile Barrages and decimate currently established bases within first 30 minutes of any conflict Iran will simply destroy all USA military bases. Anyone housing USA troops will witness [...]

Europe-America Trade War

#EU #Europe #Tariff #Trump #USA #Trade #War #Economy It is imperative for Europeans to put Tariffs on American Industrial Supply Chains, finished Industrial Products, and intermediate products. Europe should not limit the trade war to Cheese and Soy Bean. You have green light to retaliate on Industrial, Technical, intermediate products, and manufacturing parts. Europe must [...]

Chabahar Port and CPEC

Chabahar port is one of most strategic ports in the world. It is connected via rail roads to Iranian rail way system, South-North corridor, and global rail way systems to central Asia and Europe and all these are through rail roads alone. India is also building rail way to Afghanistan from Chabahar Port. Chabahar port [...]

Israel Election

israelelection-1.pdf Support Left Wing Israeli Candidates in upcoming Israel Election for Knesset and Prime Minister. We cannot have right wing Israelis to remain in power in Israel. They live in their own alternative reality. In their Alternative reality they are mind controlled to see it Necessary to be aggressive and harmful to Palestinians. They see [...]

Green Light for Haftar for Libya and Saudi Arabia Nuclear Program under conditions

The situation in Libya is complicated. We had summit in Italy to force election in Libya in last fall but it was delayed. Also Iran and UAE were not involved to the Summit. We must make sure Libya is always ally of Iran because The Iran, Venezuela, Libya Triangle is classic World Order design we [...]

Sanctions on Iran

Iranian economy offered safe investment environment before 2011 when we had many car manufacturing, Electronics, Semiconductors, advanced techs, financial and banking system, and other sectors operating inside Iran with confidence. After America and other world powers enforced sanctions on Iran many of the Koreans and European Companies had to leave Iran. For example, LG electronics [...]