Tag Team of USA and ISIS

As you can see America is on the main roads and corridors, both in south and North. Blocking access for Iraqis to Syria doing what ISIS did. You were to remove ISIS not carry its geopolitical duties. Stop dividing region and blocking commute between Nations. I am serious.

Strike on Syria was solely due to Liberation of Eastern Ghouta

https://slate.adobe.com/page-embed.js By the way Mind Control said : some people contacted and spoke to someone else. That was not me who answered. So watch out it may be someone else. Probably because my laptop broke and they got to diverted the connection. I need to fix it but has to wait until I go and [...]

Middle East Economic Policies and Reconstruction efforts

Middle East Economic Policies and Reconstruction efforts: A Humanitarian and Economic Road Map The International community and United Nations most provide Financial and Humanitarian support for Assad government to support large number of population under its control in need humanitarian aid. Syrian government lacks the means of providing all the needed medicine, food, and basics [...]

Eastern Goutha and Mind Control: Long term effect of biased Media campaign by English language news organizations on Psyche Of Emotionally invested stack holders

Eastern Goutha and Mind Control: Long term effect of biased Media campaign by English language news organizations on Psyche Of Emotionally invested stack holders

Why UN and US Presidents lack the power to make hard choices for right reasons

USA and west have no choice but to support Rebels and concentrate their efforts on bringing down of The Assad regime. They have no choice either because the choice had been handed over to them by previous administration or they are mind controlled and are raised to not consider the alternative due to strict mind control and psychological programming . Example is the French Foreign Policy and Macron where they are mind controlled and don’t even see the alternative. They mind controlled to tune into symphony of Western Plot, a Long term Strategy as dictated 40 years ago. The strategy intensity and severity had been tuned up against Muslim world again about 8 years ago after Bush invasion. During Bush invasion Blair had no choice as I saw the reports released in 2016 concerning Iraq war and Blair. Blair was compelled to invade Iraq with America. Do you see Theresa may having the power to say we support Assad in post Syrian Civil War? She will return with smashed tomatoes on her head. Boris Johnson has the guts for that but they are assaulting his image from every direction. Boris Johnson lacks the power as foreign minister to take strategic choices such as supporting Assad. Yet Boris Johnson nor any other foreign Minister has the job of deciding for foreign Policy of Britain.

Road Map for ending Syrian War

Dear President Erdogan, We need Peace established in Middle East. We need to prevent segregation of Syria We need you to work with Central Syrian government We need you to establish Syrian central government authority in cities you take in North of Syria We need your help to liberate Syrian regions in the north my friend Erdogan In order to prevent break up of Syria we need it to be unified under current central government If our goal is maintaining unity of Syria then there is one way forward; Syrian current central government getting full control of the country. We can have that by establishing administrative centers controlled by government and have security with Rebels and Turkey and Popular Syrian army If it is kept up as (planned civil war or post Turkish take over WITHOUT central government leadership). We will have period of peace maintained by guarantors. That will lead to occupations and long segregation period between south and north. That will lead to world getting used to two Syria. Then they will draw a line and will say it is north and it is south Syria. Like Korea. We cannot allow that. So we will have next. Otherwise there will be all-out war and a world war. A world war or a conflict with no mercy that will simply remove Americans totally out of the Middle East military bases and Israel also will not be spared. We have to make sure Syrian unity is maintained. But if Turkey listen to me and hand over the region to Syrian central government. We have plan of Unifying Middle East into one Economic and Security block from Libya to Pakistan and Afghanistan. Under one block similar to EU but every country larger than Germany. We have secret keepers. We know how to build a Manhattan in Turkish Coast or Syrian coast in 2 years. We know how to do it while making money and generating more wealth. We have cultural, regional, and people integration and cultural exchanges planned for Syria, Iran, Iraq, and Turkey for first phase of our counter plot. Kurds will be a part of Special Forces for Persian Gulf and Bob al Mandib which will be deployed to bring peace in case of sudden break out of conflict. Even if there is conflict in Eastern Europe or Balkan we send Kurds. Kurds as Peace keeper to deal with the scenarios of contingency. Trump: “We will build the Trump wall on Border of USA and Mexico by establishing Kurdish separation barrier on American side of border. So those mean Mexican don’t send Rapists and criminals into USA” (Trump: I did not say that)

Grand Architect

According Grand Architect who coordinates the events, so they fall on the right day and time, the American compulsory behaviors have has brought about the failing of their long terms plans. The story is the following. The Syrian War was planned to end about its 7 years mark. The goal was to have the war ending on the day of Syrian Peoples Conference held in Sochi. Makan Abazari even invited American representatives. But they refused to come. The previous Winter Olympics was held in Sochi. The Syrian People Peace Congress was held few days before the Pyongchang Winter Olympics. Sochi Russia was the host of previous Olympics in addition to peace conference. The Syrian People Congress was held on Sochi Russia. It was planned years earlier. Before Trump was the President. It would have ended the Syrian war right before the start of Olympics. Have you seen all those horrible scenes? Yet America had extended the War for compulsory behaviors of some ruling elite in USA.

Uncounted Victims from Iraq to Afghanestan

The original Article Source, I copied and pasted here so if you need to put them for text to speech you have easier time Makan:" I agree we need an anti war movement in America which not only follows methods of anti war movement of Vietnam era but also comes out openly and shams Think [...]

Complex Plot Twists Of Middle East, Experts Case

This article explains some of the most complex plot twists in Middle East and serves as expert training to those who want to prevent genocides, cycles of hate, and maintain the brotherhood of Human race. This case details some of deepest criminal cases of geopolitics by double mind control of both bases against their own interests. Dividing Middle East into Eastern and Western Blocks. Now it is time to end this enmity and conflict or we will have public education on the plot twists among Masses of Muslims. Now all these all of these by Makan Abazari and friends of human race.

Directive on Middle East Policy

We need a policy that seeks peace and harmony in Middle East. The peaceful place where peoples of different cultures, ethnicities, religions, and backgrounds can meet and exchange ideas. To turn the region to its historical role as bridge between South, North, East, and West a place where people meet, integrate and melt into new molded fold and shape. To get there we first need to reestablish bounds and connections locally between Kurds and Turks, Fars and Arabs, Pakis and Fars, Pashtun and Indian, Tajik and Jewish, Armenians and Turks and so on. (Uncle Sam: Yeah there are so many, there is a mini Europe in Iran alone). This will mean end to wars. Construction of roads, raid roads, metropolitans, increase in regional air travel, industrial and Economical exchange and integration. It will translate to security for Israel and real prospect for Israel to benefit from its strategic location unlike now where Israel is only an isolated Island in Middle East. It also means prevention of division of nations and respect the boundaries. Example Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Turkey and Iran will be the Northern Block while Pakistan, Iran, and Afghanistan will Be Eastern wing. Saudi Iran and Gulf will be the Gulf wing. There are also other wings and all nations should be accepted, respected, and allied in the region. The cheap trick of mass murder by Mind Control in Mecca Saudi has lead to division of Iran and Saudi. We need to establish the bound and friendship between Iran and Saudi or I will have something as one trick shot that will turn masses extremely angry at USA and then Saudi for failing to even notice it. Alliance and new Economic Zone down the road, all inclusive. Remember Iran doing word order and balance of power duties and if you push too much against Iran the system AO breaks American interests and twist the system in massive scales to balance the world.

America setting up separation barriers between Ethnicities and Cultures

This an Article on America current move in Syria to produce a separation barrier between three regional countries. Thus dividing Turkey, Syria, and Iraq into three separate islands and blocking construction of Efficient Metropolitan we need to use for propelling the region into peace and prosperity. There are old city building markings and codes engraved in the name of the villages and street names in region where you can see these were meant to be fixed decades ago and they are still delaying that, now on the city building stuff Uncle Sam wants me to talk about: FreeMasons, Shah Shar, Khomeini Shahr, and Savak City Building plans have been left behind for us to build the region. Uncle Sam: “Don’t forget computer generated city like Mcmansions going arcs arcs arcs, then change the angle of the arc to that direction then arc wide, then turn around in this angel then go straight for 3 second at this speed, again change direction on gear 3arch, now arc arc arc, then go straight make parallel roadto make it like straight from outside , now circle this circle that while staying in cubic shape for location of my McMansion complex, now can you find King’s house? No? You can not even comprehend the entrance to my Mcmansions complex. (McMansion computer city)Ok now bring the bulldozer and flat that Mc Mansion and build these that, and that, place these also at the gate of that, now build underground facility bellow that for getting to bunker hill if this happens to that. Then build this houses on the Macmansions in connected fashions with doors only inward to the center of cubic. Then make it full circle and one stairway so you can only walk up here. Then we build a tunnel under the hill getting to the obscure street. From there you can go where ever . (Savak City With Khomeini Shahr around it in Middle Of Freemason City) There are lots of that, don’t worry we got more than that. We can also build Venice in underground Facility in Iraq where you can get on boats instead of metros and trains while growing amphibious creatures in an engineered ecosystem by directed evolution. Yeah all of that. By Makan Abazari

Syrian Heptapolis

Syrian Rail Road design, I did it pretty fast and location of my Metropolitan Can Be moved. There could be two new cities. There is potential for 7 different intergrated Industrial Zones. These are designed for 100 percent productivity and employment scenarios as Metropolitan and Transnational Industrial Engineering draft. Take a look. it is easy to do with efficient machine (classified) and there is need for Finance (I have answer for that too just need political will). I am planning to do more informed one for Iran and one for Iraq. Iraq one will have a difference as it is already next to Iranian hubs and can be integrated into on of top 10 world economies.

Governance of the Day

Thank Indian ambassador to Syria for his good hearted intends and offers. Also thank China for offering to help with reconstruction of Syria. we want to build new cities and industrial metropolitans. Syria proximity to Silk Road and its eventual integration offers opportunities for mutual development. We don’t want to revive old Syria before war, [...]

American involvement in Middle East beyond Iraq and Afghanistan

The Americans and Mind Control Privilege That should have been removed from American influence has disturbed the process in Russian sponsored Syrian Peace Talks. We need several work done. First we need regional, and global briefing for all parties involved that America uses mind control to extend the war and to cause death, conflicts, causality, [...]

Crusader Wars 2018

We look at AI of System waging Crusader wars on Islam on all fronts. AI dictates to public opinion, Geopolitics, long term strategy, and international community. Beyond that it is engrained in the memory, perception, and understanding of humanity in this age, year 2018 and it is January now. By Makan Abazari and Secret Keepers. A release for Syrian Peace Talks.

The document I wrote on Syria Peace Talk. I answered the concerns of Assad government (added to the end) and Rebel concerns were taken to account already but can be proposed so Mind Control delivers

A set of directive and solution that is bound to be accepted by majority of players and actors as it includes everyone’s aspiration and our needed control mechanism. Let us achieve peace and initiate rebuilding. We will also build to Metropolitan in Syria and Iraq in regionally central locations as memory of Martyrs and those [...]

American Plot and Syrian Peace Talks in Russia

America started yet another civil war in Middle East. War between brothers and neighbors. How a cheaper trick of mind control has weaved, weaved and weaved. America witnessed that our Diplomatic Credit behind Russian Diplomatic process in Middle East gaining a great momentum. America wants to keep its ability to be part of the process [...]

Astana Syrian Peace Talks and the War America started to undermine it

Makan Abazari final directives for Syrian Peace Talks in Asana after Vienna failed to proof it is after achieving peace. As we clearly saw Americans great desire for extension of war and continuation of death and destruction. Thus resetting Muslim Nations and their alliance and unity into a block to try for providing the condition in which opportunity exist for people to pursue their dreams and aspirations. America is in an open war only if you could see the secrets of mind control.

Vienna offer for peace is rejected and we will continue with Russia, Turkey and Iran. America is not invited (you cannot use UN for your geopolitical adventures)

WE REVIEWED THE intelligence and Rejected offer for peace talk and we will continue peace talk in Russia. Vienna ended today and shall not be continued unless as prime time show. You failed in honest delivery of message and changed it.

Syria Peace Talks, Genova and Astana

A set of directive and solution that is bound to be accepted by majority of players and actors as it includes everyone’s aspiration and our needed control mechanism. Let us achieve peace and initiate rebuilding. We will also build to Metropolitan in Syria and Iraq in regionally central locations as memory of Martyrs and those who wanted better world in their struggle for freedom and liberty. The Metropolitan will rival London and Paris in its grand design. We also have lots of economical and industrial plans which we hope to achieve and without American disturbance we can surely achieve.

stuff about staff and stuff

Makan: I told you hire some people from Wellesley College and you run space monkey air show of Candelia Rise and Tillerson? pushing our peace efforts between Koreas of the edge and announce the 3000 Kurdish forces and indefinite occupation of Eastern Syria. well all those people in Syria either will be absorbed into Syrian [...]

Stop Iranian Protests

Stop that revolution and stupid protests in Iran. I don’t want it and that is end of it. We rather have the mind control, economy, and Industry fixed.

CIA took over mind control of Erdogan

CIA has been seen time to time taking over mind control of world leaders and bringing problems, sabotage, war, and other desired result for Deep State of USA. They has done it very often and one of main reason Erdogan flip flops and suddenly changes behaviour is that, the mind control privileges USA and Israel have so they can take over. we have said no-one doing mind control of outside of USA is allowed to receive orders from American mind control when 50 percent control has become 25 percent. The America has lost majority of it to deep state mind control

Israel Problem

From formation of ISIS to war crimes they carried it there has been steady hand behind it and backdoor deals and alliances that Zionist had made and action it has enforced to influence the mind control of the world in its favour. Israel considered destruction and genocide in Syria a gain for it weakened a possible enemy and neighbour. Zionist mafia system is also behind the coup inEgypt, civil war in Libya, and war in Yemen. Even the shot at carrying coup in Turkey was product of Israel influence and alliance from within the mind control. They mind control vast majority of Zionist to help them with gathering support and the Zionist has been psychologically conditioned to carry these without guilt or consideration. The Israel Problem.