Backdoor Communication with NASA and American Space Program

Rule Number one Space station and space port building and related technologies: Space war, sabotage, mind control disturbance of engineers, and any such sabotage to gain exclusivity by America should be prevented. If we witness one we will halt all space progress in USA. I do in china, Iran, India, EU, or Russia and if [...]

Civilian Missile Program

The hackers wiped what we typed but I have photo

Perspective of absolute expert on Swarm of Locusts UAVs and counters, involving other air formations under full confrontation senario By Makan Abazari originally Published on my Linkedin Yes we worked that out in Tehran villa, Tehran Farman Farmaian, and Brookline Massachusetts via classified methods. At the time prototype was classified to me and we were working on concepts. We mostly worked on its humanitarian and communication set up and version that will [...]