Israel Election Manipulation

Mind control is mind controlling Palestinians and Israelis to create conflict. This conflicts, killings, and other insecurities in Israel are means of manipulating Israel’s election. They are meant to strengthen parties which oppose rapprochement with Palestinians and help those like Benjamin Netanyahu. For Israel to be secure in long term we need victors in Election [...]

Plot to Change European Political Parties Part 1: Murder of Jo Cox

Murder of Jo Cox; Political Parties of Europe and America were manipulated by another variable, Israel Interest. There was a generation of Democratic and Liberal voices in Europe and America who were systematically targeted and removed from office and their elected positions. They were targeted by Media, information war, mind control, labels, and even at times their lives were the target. Reminds me of Martyrdom of President Kennedy and now untold story of murder of Jo Cox.

Muslim Peace Keepers Approved for Gaza, West Bank, and Jerusalem

It has been requested by 3 Middle Eastern Nations (Not Iran) to send peace keeping troops to Palestine , Both West Bank and Gaza, to protect Civilians from mind controlled Israelis which going for harm and kill in every situation. It seems Israel troops AI is set to harm and inflict suffering on Palestinians. Uncle [...]

Mind Control Helps Israel

Did you know how is it would have been easy for Israel state project to fail? If it was without American involvement , using mind control to aid Israeli, Israel would have been failed state. See Israel has no really valuable national resources to sell. It is a very small state with extremely limited capabilities [...]

Report on Assassination Attempt on Palestinian Authority Official in Gaza

Report on Assassination Attempt on Palestinian Authority Official in Gaza, The report that Hamas has sought to assassinate Palestinian authority official is false. Hamas had nothing to do with it. Mahmud Abbas pointing finger at Hamas is due to mind control. Mind control is seeking to cause division between Palestinian authority and Hamas in wake [...]

Protests in Tel Aviv

We see yet another self-preservation strategy by Benjamin Netanyahu. Today 2/17/2018 there was large protest in Tel Aviv people demanding removal of Netanyahu for full host of reasons. The media only mentions corruption charges and protests are barely related to criminal charges. They started because of another issues and they have evolved to something far [...]

American Plot and Syrian Peace Talks in Russia

America started yet another civil war in Middle East. War between brothers and neighbors. How a cheaper trick of mind control has weaved, weaved and weaved. America witnessed that our Diplomatic Credit behind Russian Diplomatic process in Middle East gaining a great momentum. America wants to keep its ability to be part of the process [...]

Iran Israel Transit?

SERIES OF VERY SERIOUS SCIENTIFIC WORKS BY MAKAN ABAZARI AND HIS TEAMS. Criers Intellectual Property, Iranian Royal Forces Intellectual Properties, Makan EcoIndustrial Metropolitan Engineering, Revolutionary Guards of Iran, Some Jewish People, NASA, and European and Russian Space Agency. Oh Trump Sanctioned IRGC I need to cross out NASA.


So I was watching Knesset session today on France24. I saw in addition to Mike Pence speech there was another significant event. There was an Arab Knesset Member who expressed his opposition with some very legit and classic ways and means on the floor of Parliament of Israel. Now there are many many types of [...]

Communication on Two State Solution

Makan: I told Israel don’t build those settlements they are not good enough. We had a briefing explaining all of these settlements in west bank will be left behind for Palestinians. in case of bad settlements and buildings Israel has to pay. If need arises to destroy them for some other infrastructure after Israel leaves. [...]

Stop Iranian Protests

Stop that revolution and stupid protests in Iran. I don’t want it and that is end of it. We rather have the mind control, economy, and Industry fixed.

CIA took over mind control of Erdogan

CIA has been seen time to time taking over mind control of world leaders and bringing problems, sabotage, war, and other desired result for Deep State of USA. They has done it very often and one of main reason Erdogan flip flops and suddenly changes behaviour is that, the mind control privileges USA and Israel have so they can take over. we have said no-one doing mind control of outside of USA is allowed to receive orders from American mind control when 50 percent control has become 25 percent. The America has lost majority of it to deep state mind control

Israel Problem

From formation of ISIS to war crimes they carried it there has been steady hand behind it and backdoor deals and alliances that Zionist had made and action it has enforced to influence the mind control of the world in its favour. Israel considered destruction and genocide in Syria a gain for it weakened a possible enemy and neighbour. Zionist mafia system is also behind the coup inEgypt, civil war in Libya, and war in Yemen. Even the shot at carrying coup in Turkey was product of Israel influence and alliance from within the mind control. They mind control vast majority of Zionist to help them with gathering support and the Zionist has been psychologically conditioned to carry these without guilt or consideration. The Israel Problem.

Report on computational prediction of Kurdish Independence and Possible Break out of Iraq-Kurd Civil War

We have intelligence some people in America, Israel, and Think Tanks are engineering a Civil war in Iraq. If they succeed in starting that fire, the Civil war involved Kurdistan Iraq and Iraq Central government there will be following subsequent events: Before explaining that we have this message “we are giving you 5 warning shot [...]