Middle East Role in New World Order

Makan Abazari the King of Kings: “Iran is located on cross roads and all our projects will cross through Iran and we need advanced technologies and capabilities there to integrate with global industrial and high tech supply chain. We also need German, British, South Korean, Japan, Taiwanese, Chinese, American, and EU tech companies to be present locally in Iran to produce which we need during our future endeavors. We have many high tech projects from going to Mars and to build classified technologies. We also envisioned a new world order including techs and regional changes. We are also going to change the weather and lower sea levels by storing the water on Himalaya and in Iranian Marshes and lakes.”

King of Jordan is in Washington DC to meet with President of United States of America

Have not I closed the State Department due to your failure in meeting America’s obligations concerning North Korea? Why Pompeo shaking hands with King Abdullah of Jordan? Uncle Sam: “It was for Formalities only. I put Pompeo in his room again.” Makan:”This is also just for briefing Jordanians.”

Taliban and Afghanistan; a look at American Strategy based on Classic designs (now void)

So what happened to Middle Eastern Stone Mason Built buildings? (Crusader Wars)Original Article (You can find Manhattan Story in Article) I also made facebook post of the following couple if hours before the new article published. I have written this long time ago but included it as extra story under the new article. Sometimes I [...]

Trump’s Economics and Trade World War

Final part: I have also this point to make concerning European Economy being dependent on American Financial Market. We have enough capital, wealth, productivity, and capabilities in Europe to form world strongest financial system. Remember we also have Russian and Chinese. Even if Russia and Europe Relation have been harmed due to American mass mind [...]

Tag Team of USA and ISIS

As you can see America is on the main roads and corridors, both in south and North. Blocking access for Iraqis to Syria doing what ISIS did. You were to remove ISIS not carry its geopolitical duties. Stop dividing region and blocking commute between Nations. I am serious.

Iran-Saudi Joint Naval Carrier Project

Oh yes, Russian Military Industry ended decade of Naval Army Development. We cannot let human capital, infrastructures, and industries for Naval forces go offline. So we use it to produce parts of Iranian Carrier Program. Let us hope Saudi comes along and then we can even have Americans involved in parts of it. So it [...]

Kurdistan as Center Piece Of Middle Eastern Economic Zone

I wrote this Article while listening to this performance in Berklee College Of Music. I have written this article before but since it was online I got Mind Control hijacked so I wrote it again. https://slate.adobe.com/page-embed.js

Middle East Economic Policies and Reconstruction efforts

Middle East Economic Policies and Reconstruction efforts: A Humanitarian and Economic Road Map The International community and United Nations most provide Financial and Humanitarian support for Assad government to support large number of population under its control in need humanitarian aid. Syrian government lacks the means of providing all the needed medicine, food, and basics [...]

Eastern Goutha and Mind Control: Long term effect of biased Media campaign by English language news organizations on Psyche Of Emotionally invested stack holders

Eastern Goutha and Mind Control: Long term effect of biased Media campaign by English language news organizations on Psyche Of Emotionally invested stack holders

Libyan Warlord at the Gate of Tripoli

Haftar the Libyan Warlord is at the gate of Tripoli. We are about to lose all hopes for a democratic society in Libya. If Haftar wins we will have a dictator in charge of Libyan government thus replacing Gadhafi with another less qualified one called Haftar. They are already have closed the roads linking Tripoli [...]

Iran-Pakistan-India gas Pipeline

I have gas pipeline needing extension to Pakistan cities and Industries. Does India want to invest in extending it all the way to India and help Pakistan with Financing their side of pipeline. India can subtract the investment cost for Pakistani side of pipeline from toll fee or better said from gas delivery fee in [...]

Road Map for ending Syrian War

Dear President Erdogan,
We need Peace established in Middle East.
We need to prevent segregation of Syria
We need you to work with Central Syrian government
We need you to establish Syrian central government authority in cities you take in North of Syria We need your help to liberate Syrian regions in the north my friend Erdogan
In order to prevent break up of Syria we need it to be unified under current central government
If our goal is maintaining unity of Syria then there is one way forward; Syrian current central government getting full control of the country. We can have that by establishing administrative centers controlled by government and have security with Rebels and Turkey and Popular Syrian army
If it is kept up as (planned civil war or post Turkish take over WITHOUT central government leadership). We will have period of peace maintained by guarantors. That will lead to occupations and long segregation period between south and north. That will lead to world getting used to two Syria. Then they will draw a line and will say it is north and it is south Syria. Like Korea. We cannot allow that. So we will have next.
Otherwise there will be all-out war and a world war. A world war or a conflict with no mercy that will simply remove Americans totally out of the Middle East military bases and Israel also will not be spared. We have to make sure Syrian unity is maintained.
But if Turkey listen to me and hand over the region to Syrian central government. We have plan of Unifying Middle East into one Economic and Security block from Libya to Pakistan and Afghanistan. Under one block similar to EU but every country larger than Germany.
We have secret keepers. We know how to build a Manhattan in Turkish Coast or Syrian coast in 2 years. We know how to do it while making money and generating more wealth.
We have cultural, regional, and people integration and cultural exchanges planned for Syria, Iran, Iraq, and Turkey for first phase of our counter plot.
Kurds will be a part of Special Forces for Persian Gulf and Bob al Mandib which will be deployed to bring peace in case of sudden break out of conflict. Even if there is conflict in Eastern Europe or Balkan we send Kurds. Kurds as Peace keeper to deal with the scenarios of contingency.
Trump: “We will build the Trump wall on Border of USA and Mexico by establishing Kurdish separation barrier on American side of border. So those mean Mexican don’t send Rapists and criminals into USA” (Trump: I did not say that)

Complex Plot Twists Of Middle East, Experts Case

This article explains some of the most complex plot twists in Middle East and serves as expert training to those who want to prevent genocides, cycles of hate, and maintain the brotherhood of Human race. This case details some of deepest criminal cases of geopolitics by double mind control of both bases against their own interests. Dividing Middle East into Eastern and Western Blocks. Now it is time to end this enmity and conflict or we will have public education on the plot twists among Masses of Muslims. Now all these all of these by Makan Abazari and friends of human race.

America setting up separation barriers between Ethnicities and Cultures

This an Article on America current move in Syria to produce a separation barrier between three regional countries. Thus dividing Turkey, Syria, and Iraq into three separate islands and blocking construction of Efficient Metropolitan we need to use for propelling the region into peace and prosperity. There are old city building markings and codes engraved in the name of the villages and street names in region where you can see these were meant to be fixed decades ago and they are still delaying that, now on the city building stuff Uncle Sam wants me to talk about:

FreeMasons, Shah Shar, Khomeini Shahr, and Savak City Building plans have been left behind for us to build the region. Uncle Sam: “Don’t forget computer generated city like Mcmansions going arcs arcs arcs, then change the angle of the arc to that direction then arc wide, then turn around in this angel then go straight for 3 second at this speed, again change direction on gear 3arch, now arc arc arc, then go straight make parallel roadto make it like straight from outside , now circle this circle that while staying in cubic shape for location of my McMansion complex, now can you find King’s house? No? You can not even comprehend the entrance to my Mcmansions complex. (McMansion computer city)Ok now bring the bulldozer and flat that Mc Mansion and build these that, and that, place these also at the gate of that, now build underground facility bellow that for getting to bunker hill if this happens to that. Then build this houses on the Macmansions in connected fashions with doors only inward to the center of cubic. Then make it full circle and one stairway so you can only walk up here. Then we build a tunnel under the hill getting to the obscure street. From there you can go where ever . (Savak City With Khomeini Shahr around it in Middle Of Freemason City) There are lots of that, don’t worry we got more than that. We can also build Venice in underground Facility in Iraq where you can get on boats instead of metros and trains while growing amphibious creatures in an engineered ecosystem by directed evolution. Yeah all of that. By Makan Abazari

Case against Institute for Study Of War (Deep State Overthrow Task Force)

We have formed a task force to confront deep state in USA and overthrow them thus ending their malicious efforts and intends against American political integrity and their dangers to global peace, security, and secure balance of power. America is losing its status as the state responsible with many of such important tasks due to hijack of decision making process and intellectual works needed to lead these important global roles and tasks. In order for America to maintain its role: first America needs to gain its independence in decision making. Second we need responsible national actor with eyes on well being of all the humanity on earth. These organizations mentioned above and the diving force behind their efforts turn America ineligible and thus we need them corrected or removed from process. But our job to overthrow deep state doesn’t need all these explanations. So get me that ball. Makan Abazari

Governance of the Day

Thank Indian ambassador to Syria for his good hearted intends and offers. Also thank China for offering to help with reconstruction of Syria. we want to build new cities and industrial metropolitans. Syria proximity to Silk Road and its eventual integration offers opportunities for mutual development. We don’t want to revive old Syria before war, [...]

American involvement in Middle East beyond Iraq and Afghanistan

The Americans and Mind Control Privilege That should have been removed from American influence has disturbed the process in Russian sponsored Syrian Peace Talks. We need several work done. First we need regional, and global briefing for all parties involved that America uses mind control to extend the war and to cause death, conflicts, causality, [...]

Crusader Wars 2018

We look at AI of System waging Crusader wars on Islam on all fronts. AI dictates to public opinion, Geopolitics, long term strategy, and international community. Beyond that it is engrained in the memory, perception, and understanding of humanity in this age, year 2018 and it is January now. By Makan Abazari and Secret Keepers. A release for Syrian Peace Talks.

American Plot and Syrian Peace Talks in Russia

America started yet another civil war in Middle East. War between brothers and neighbors. How a cheaper trick of mind control has weaved, weaved and weaved. America witnessed that our Diplomatic Credit behind Russian Diplomatic process in Middle East gaining a great momentum. America wants to keep its ability to be part of the process [...]

Communication on Two State Solution

Makan: I told Israel don’t build those settlements they are not good enough. We had a briefing explaining all of these settlements in west bank will be left behind for Palestinians. in case of bad settlements and buildings Israel has to pay. If need arises to destroy them for some other infrastructure after Israel leaves. [...]

The second briefing on Iranian Protests

Don’t miss that last Paragraph Iranians who support protests are mind controlled. They may have many values dear to them and they are all acceptable. But where those values come from what is the reality and how good the conditions are in Iran in relation to others and in relation to the world that follows [...]

Stop Iranian Protests

Stop that revolution and stupid protests in Iran. I don’t want it and that is end of it. We rather have the mind control, economy, and Industry fixed.

Jammu and Kashmir

Jammu and Kashmir secrets and environmental mess up by occupiers and classified means are discussed. Also case of the other people has been presented in ownership of region. The water security conflict.

Egypt and Libya, a Geopolitical Psalm

First thing first, we need all Egyptian political prisoners arrested since SISI took power by cheesy coup be released. Some 60000 thousand people have been arrested and sentenced since they took power. That is similar to mass arrest of African Americans in USA and incarceration of generation of black Muslim man after producing crime by [...]

US Military Strategy for enduring victory in Afghanistan

My secretary of state #Tillerson is in #Pakistan discussing south Asia security and #Afghanistan with Pakistani government. I decided to rewrite the strategy we previously released. Yes we released it previously with Makan Abazari on #Russian Times and again later of Facebook concerning American strategy in Afghanistan. There are master files and series of codes, [...]

Putin must Remain President 

It explain why Putin Presidency is important for not only Russia but also for Humanity and future of America. So many things at play and may make the correlation reverse but wisdom and experience says it is most important for our values in America to have putin win in Russia

Report on computational prediction of Kurdish Independence and Possible Break out of Iraq-Kurd Civil War

We have intelligence some people in America, Israel, and Think Tanks are engineering a Civil war in Iraq. If they succeed in starting that fire, the Civil war involved Kurdistan Iraq and Iraq Central government there will be following subsequent events: Before explaining that we have this message “we are giving you 5 warning shot [...]

Middle East Journal 

I was setting up some tools to quickly navigate different assets. I decided to have my old study tools added to that. I realize you have understood the Arab Spring opposite and have mind control privileges you never had nor the people in mind control had. Why do you think ISIS that spanned Iraq and [...]