Deliver Aid to Yemen by Parachuting the AID (USA CENTCOM)

Makan Abazari : It is directive for US Central Military Command and they are to obey. We need to parachute food, water, water purifier, generators, and off road Truck along with UN and Red Cross Staff on remote regions of Yemen to contain the Famine or 7 Million Yemeni will die. If you fail to do this History will remember America as accompanist in Genocide of 7 million Yemeni Population.

Civilian Missile Program

The hackers wiped what we typed but I have photo

Guidelines on UN peace talks on Syria

I also need a unified Syrian government for post peace era. Where the central government has very easy way to decide and act as confidence force to work and allow its allies Iran and Russia on the ground if needs be. I need also Syria part of Iranian front as i was during pre war [...]

Perspective of absolute expert on Swarm of Locusts UAVs and counters, involving other air formations under full confrontation senario By Makan Abazari originally Published on my Linkedin Yes we worked that out in Tehran villa, Tehran Farman Farmaian, and Brookline Massachusetts via classified methods. At the time prototype was classified to me and we were working on concepts. We mostly worked on its humanitarian and communication set up and version that will [...]

Swarm of Drones weakness and strength, USA Air force analysis and testing result, simulations were carried previously 

What is my opinion on swarm of low cost drones that 1000s of them controlled by one person? Yes we worked that out in Tehran villa. I like the version that each drone carries a robot and drops the robot and return while having robots with wide range predefined task such as signal intelligence gathering, [...]