European Leadership under Mass Mind Control Overwrite

eu under mass mind control effect overwrite We believed Europe when they stated they are working toward independence from USA in their political, Geopolitical, Military, and economics. But unfortunately the leaders have been continuously brain washed and raised to see the condition according their long term psychological programming. The Europeans are psychologically programmed to oppose [...]

Ultimatum to Europe

europe division and fall of eurozone This is set of writing concerning European Union activities on Global stage. It proves how unreliable European Union is as actor. It is either because too many people with authority to act and make statements or it is lack of cognitive independence at all layers of European Government in [...]

Iran and New World Order

iran Iran used to have America as ally and as retreat for Kings and leaders of Iran. Iran built America. Iran (Fars, Persia, Pars) built Statue of Liberty and France is counterfeit. America and Iran were oldest allies. During World War 2 Iran was attacked by Britain, Japan, and Germany (Libya, Africa, Europe, and Mediterranean [...]

Venezuela and Take Pompeo to Camp David

venezuela #Bank of #England #Pompeo #Treasury #Venezuela #Maduro British Refusal to give access to Venezuelan gold bars and foreign asset under directive of someone like Mike Pompeo is totally unacceptable. Britain and other actors must allow Venezuela’s Maduro access to National assets of Venezuela in their banks and holding. Also take Mike Pompeo to Camp [...]

Venezuela and Global Economic Order

venezuela and world economy We are not overthrowing Venezuela and Europe must support Maduro if they want survival of European Union and continuation of Government in France, Britain, and Germany. We must rewrite Economic World Order rules and under privileged Nations such as Iran, Middle East, and Africa must have a great share of global [...]

Welcome to my Court; Black Sea, Red Sea, Dubai, Iran, Somalia, Qatar, Saudi, Saxon, Fars, Persia, France, Salman, Saman, Macron, Makan, Makkah, Markan, Pakistan, Palestine, India, Israel, Venezuela, Nicaragua, World Order

We also want to develop Black Sea based Trade system and Industrial supply chain involving nations on Black Sea and countries bordering black seaNew Microsoft Word Document This Material are in response to grievances different Nations presented on United Nations General Assembly: Today is my Birthday. Massachusetts robbed me last night during first hour of [...]

Condition for end to World War of Proxies and Soft War

People on the left were one side of the conflict and the ones on the right where other side. Only Victorious from Left was Temer. I have been on both parts at different times because I am commander in chief of Eastern and Western Blocks. I was on the right side with Trump, Boris, Erdogan, [...]

Governance of the Earth on April 20th

EU:I need a special consul in EU composed of EU parliaments and Appointees tasked with dealing with current crises such as Fragmentation Of EU, fall of classic parties, rise of far right, and rise of populists parties with failed policies and naive values, and in general protecting EU project from fragmentation and maybe bringing more [...]

Governing March/10/2018: Hyper-loops, Silk Road Project, Nuclear Reactor For Saudis, Nigeria and Venezuela Refineries

Governance of the earth March/10/2018 Silk Road, One Road One belt Intitive I need OBOR built fast. I need that Silk Road Rail roads built in one to two years. Hire as many people as you need and produce the material as China most certainly can. The only barrier would be architecting and designing The [...]

World Order

World Order Material from Office of Intelligence Communication includedI own Britain, Commonwealth, Spain, France, and USA I won them in 2016 and 2017. AS I won the USA by winning as Trump. You have hijacked my America and established pirates on top of that government of USA. Using my property against me. (I have practically [...]

Spheres and Hemisphere America overreaching again toward South Korean earth, USA be content with your North Korean Earth

Secretary of State Rex Tillerson suggesting military coup in Venezuela is a transgression on world order limits, suggesting American disrespect of process of change in world order as planned by us, Thus United States is seeking to go on its own path. A path America has gone before leaving behind genocide, poverty, and destruction of [...]

Governance of the Day

Thank Indian ambassador to Syria for his good hearted intends and offers. Also thank China for offering to help with reconstruction of Syria. we want to build new cities and industrial metropolitans. Syria proximity to Silk Road and its eventual integration offers opportunities for mutual development. We don’t want to revive old Syria before war, [...]

CIA after 50 years of South American operations

We touch on subject of CIA involvement in Venezuela and Brazil and long lasting strategy of causing mistrust and distance between masses and Socialism. They want to forever kill socialism in South America ending them at worst possible situations

World Order Over Reach

American aggressive behaviors on multiple front by dismantling the centralized planning and decision making has lead to America becoming Paria state. America the New North Korean state.

Crypto Currency and BRICKS

Why Countries avoid Crypto Currency when they turn the wheels of economy, production, and industry? I know there are limitations and limit them sometimes only to trade but they can be mined and used for production. Independent from claws of financial system that holds back money after they earned the money by mind control help. [...]

Stop Iranian Protests

Stop that revolution and stupid protests in Iran. I don’t want it and that is end of it. We rather have the mind control, economy, and Industry fixed.

Silent war on Turkey

On Turkish gold trader who is accused of helping Iran evade sanctions and trade oil for gold. The Individual of interest Zarrab was at US court recently and some events have played out pointing at US mind control of Zarrab. He came out and said:” He did the illegal exchange under directive and authorization of [...]

Guidelines on UN peace talks on Syria

I also need a unified Syrian government for post peace era. Where the central government has very easy way to decide and act as confidence force to work and allow its allies Iran and Russia on the ground if needs be. I need also Syria part of Iranian front as i was during pre war [...]

Story So far

Story so far and why the Mind Control should stop receiving order from anyone outside mind control but me. #CIA #Ettelat #US #Iran #Saudi #Egypt #Libya #Yemen #Qatar #Gulf #States Important, Review of story so far, that is all that. All of that. His is that and this is His.

2016 and Manafort

2016 and Manafort I agree so much of my inputs and orders have been attributed to other people and lots of nothing they did example the case Manafort involvement with Russians became so big that ended up requiring national and FBI investigations into it. The investigation of so called Russian meddling in our election. But [...]

Review of Recent blogs by me on Adobe Spark It is a clickable Link to my Spark Articles

Pakistan over practice of overthrow and Makan Abazari coming as counter intelligence protection

Why Nawaz Sharif was overthrown? Nawaz Sharif was one of most successful leader Pakistan has had in last decade. One of the most important proof of that was China-Pakistan economic corridor which was one in a 50 years project considering imposed stallment of progress in middle east and remembering that was a word order level [...]

Security Council Permanent Members

Stop the sell of Military jets to India by global security and balance of power team Sell of Military Jets to India should be avoided as it is very dangerous to world order and global security, and balance of power #India #France #China #Iran #Pakistan #United #Nation #Security #council (no sell of new military jet [...]

A letter to King of Spain

Link to same articleA letter to King of Spain by Makan Abazari In Venezuela I have identified sabotages against crude oil purification of Venezuelan National Oil Company. That causes their oil not be available for export on time and when delivered cause damage to Chinese and Indian Oil companies. These sabotages have two parts mind [...]

Spain farming industry is needed in Venezuela, message to King of Spain from Makan Abazari

Hey, can you get Spanish King to have some Spanish farming and development team to do a project for me? #Spain #Venezuela #South #America #Catalan. I decided to choose spain and if America fixes the communication problem have America. Until then I need Spain bring tractors, machineries, farm engineeres and farmers to go to venezuela [...]

The code is here, If you want to recognise who and what. 

The Code where is Mccen? The girl lost in 1970s. Meaning we are waiting for next Person like Kissinger and Churchill. The Mccen meant Makan. Madmine Albright, Makan Abazari. But Makan Abazari is also lion, King of earth, owner of nexus, and Antsasia means owner of mining and machine, and Elizabeth, Ali's bat (reference to [...]