Syria Peace Talks Star Star Star

  This is your invitation to talks on Syria and Assad must control all of Syria. We suggest you withdraw and surrender or see Pacific and Atlantic fronts lost. I need my Bahrain the Pacific and Atlantic. Surrender and leave Syria to Iran and Assad. I have full force of Earth behind my efforts and [...]

Condition for end to World War of Proxies and Soft War

People on the left were one side of the conflict and the ones on the right where other side. Only Victorious from Left was Temer. I have been on both parts at different times because I am commander in chief of Eastern and Western Blocks. I was on the right side with Trump, Boris, Erdogan, [...]

Tag Team of USA and ISIS

As you can see America is on the main roads and corridors, both in south and North. Blocking access for Iraqis to Syria doing what ISIS did. You were to remove ISIS not carry its geopolitical duties. Stop dividing region and blocking commute between Nations. I am serious.

Arab Spring: Egypt and Libya

Arab Spring failed by coup in Egypt and break down of UN backed government in Libya made void all of its achievments. Syria became a bloody mess that destroyed a prosperous nation. Yemen became the worst humanitarian disaster in years. Arab spring failed. There is small ray of light shining through the key hole on the door that blocks democracy and freedom. Does anyone has the key? Makan: I have a key let me try. It may work

Why UN and US Presidents lack the power to make hard choices for right reasons

USA and west have no choice but to support Rebels and concentrate their efforts on bringing down of The Assad regime. They have no choice either because the choice had been handed over to them by previous administration or they are mind controlled and are raised to not consider the alternative due to strict mind control and psychological programming . Example is the French Foreign Policy and Macron where they are mind controlled and don’t even see the alternative. They mind controlled to tune into symphony of Western Plot, a Long term Strategy as dictated 40 years ago. The strategy intensity and severity had been tuned up against Muslim world again about 8 years ago after Bush invasion. During Bush invasion Blair had no choice as I saw the reports released in 2016 concerning Iraq war and Blair. Blair was compelled to invade Iraq with America. Do you see Theresa may having the power to say we support Assad in post Syrian Civil War? She will return with smashed tomatoes on her head. Boris Johnson has the guts for that but they are assaulting his image from every direction. Boris Johnson lacks the power as foreign minister to take strategic choices such as supporting Assad. Yet Boris Johnson nor any other foreign Minister has the job of deciding for foreign Policy of Britain.

Think Tanks and Deep State Under Investigation

An important review of Think Tanks showing evidence of opposing world order change and pushing against the limits of old world order against the shift of policy world order team has in mind. The problem is they are mindless and cannot express opposite point of view they are like group of ants trying to build an ant house for wrong Queen.

Syrian Heptapolis

Syrian Rail Road design, I did it pretty fast and location of my Metropolitan Can Be moved. There could be two new cities. There is potential for 7 different intergrated Industrial Zones. These are designed for 100 percent productivity and employment scenarios as Metropolitan and Transnational Industrial Engineering draft. Take a look. it is easy to do with efficient machine (classified) and there is need for Finance (I have answer for that too just need political will). I am planning to do more informed one for Iran and one for Iraq. Iraq one will have a difference as it is already next to Iranian hubs and can be integrated into on of top 10 world economies.

Israel Problem

From formation of ISIS to war crimes they carried it there has been steady hand behind it and backdoor deals and alliances that Zionist had made and action it has enforced to influence the mind control of the world in its favour. Israel considered destruction and genocide in Syria a gain for it weakened a possible enemy and neighbour. Zionist mafia system is also behind the coup inEgypt, civil war in Libya, and war in Yemen. Even the shot at carrying coup in Turkey was product of Israel influence and alliance from within the mind control. They mind control vast majority of Zionist to help them with gathering support and the Zionist has been psychologically conditioned to carry these without guilt or consideration. The Israel Problem.

The American dangerous strategy in Middle East

The case of divisiveness of American government to destroy, reset, and divide Muslim world. It has become such clearly visible plot that has transgressed all under cover and behind the scene means of concealment of involvement. It is an open war by enemy smiling and shooting at you. Unfortunately Israel Netanyahu Government Mafia has been pushing for vast majority of these at the cost of life and experience of life of many. Netanyahu buried liberal Movements of the West to Keep on going.

Report on computational prediction of Kurdish Independence and Possible Break out of Iraq-Kurd Civil War

We have intelligence some people in America, Israel, and Think Tanks are engineering a Civil war in Iraq. If they succeed in starting that fire, the Civil war involved Kurdistan Iraq and Iraq Central government there will be following subsequent events: Before explaining that we have this message “we are giving you 5 warning shot [...]