
We thank Americans who thought me security calculations of earth and things necessary of maintaining balance of power in Middle East and other regions. Middle East must become centter of unity and cooperation while maintains a strong hold against any invading Army from East and West. America used to provide this deffense until America became cause of destruction and reset. Now above all things Middle East needs deffense against USA and its corrupt geopolitical strategy and machinery. Americans have sacrificed for me to learn and to issue this orders.

Wearable anti mind control hats (Thanks Giving Gift from Iran)

How to Protect yourself against Mind Control when you are out of shielded building. Some buildings have exclusive mind control and some have mind control. We are hoping for the world where there totally shielded placed are available to everyone.

Condition for end to World War of Proxies and Soft War

People on the left were one side of the conflict and the ones on the right where other side. Only Victorious from Left was Temer. I have been on both parts at different times because I am commander in chief of Eastern and Western Blocks. I was on the right side with Trump, Boris, Erdogan, [...]

New League of Nations

We need to start new League of Nation Parallel to United Nations as United Nation has lost its legitimacy and integrity to conduct its basic duties. Unfortunately mind control regiment that United Nations staff are on are so wrong that they can not function as basic up holder of Rule of law among Nations. We have seen it in Syria. We experienced during Iranian Sanctions have the United Nations acted as weapon. I also have seen world leaders at general assembly being Mind controlled and twisted out of their true intends. We need new organization to solve conflicts and uphold laws. We have no desire to keep an institution like United Nations in its current status.

World Order

World Order Material from Office of Intelligence Communication includedI own Britain, Commonwealth, Spain, France, and USA I won them in 2016 and 2017. AS I won the USA by winning as Trump. You have hijacked my America and established pirates on top of that government of USA. Using my property against me. (I have practically [...]

Complex Plot Twists Of Middle East, Experts Case

This article explains some of the most complex plot twists in Middle East and serves as expert training to those who want to prevent genocides, cycles of hate, and maintain the brotherhood of Human race. This case details some of deepest criminal cases of geopolitics by double mind control of both bases against their own interests. Dividing Middle East into Eastern and Western Blocks. Now it is time to end this enmity and conflict or we will have public education on the plot twists among Masses of Muslims. Now all these all of these by Makan Abazari and friends of human race.

Directive on Middle East Policy

We need a policy that seeks peace and harmony in Middle East. The peaceful place where peoples of different cultures, ethnicities, religions, and backgrounds can meet and exchange ideas. To turn the region to its historical role as bridge between South, North, East, and West a place where people meet, integrate and melt into new molded fold and shape. To get there we first need to reestablish bounds and connections locally between Kurds and Turks, Fars and Arabs, Pakis and Fars, Pashtun and Indian, Tajik and Jewish, Armenians and Turks and so on. (Uncle Sam: Yeah there are so many, there is a mini Europe in Iran alone). This will mean end to wars. Construction of roads, raid roads, metropolitans, increase in regional air travel, industrial and Economical exchange and integration. It will translate to security for Israel and real prospect for Israel to benefit from its strategic location unlike now where Israel is only an isolated Island in Middle East. It also means prevention of division of nations and respect the boundaries. Example Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Turkey and Iran will be the Northern Block while Pakistan, Iran, and Afghanistan will Be Eastern wing. Saudi Iran and Gulf will be the Gulf wing. There are also other wings and all nations should be accepted, respected, and allied in the region. The cheap trick of mass murder by Mind Control in Mecca Saudi has lead to division of Iran and Saudi. We need to establish the bound and friendship between Iran and Saudi or I will have something as one trick shot that will turn masses extremely angry at USA and then Saudi for failing to even notice it. Alliance and new Economic Zone down the road, all inclusive. Remember Iran doing word order and balance of power duties and if you push too much against Iran the system AO breaks American interests and twist the system in massive scales to balance the world.

Syrian Heptapolis

Syrian Rail Road design, I did it pretty fast and location of my Metropolitan Can Be moved. There could be two new cities. There is potential for 7 different intergrated Industrial Zones. These are designed for 100 percent productivity and employment scenarios as Metropolitan and Transnational Industrial Engineering draft. Take a look. it is easy to do with efficient machine (classified) and there is need for Finance (I have answer for that too just need political will). I am planning to do more informed one for Iran and one for Iraq. Iraq one will have a difference as it is already next to Iranian hubs and can be integrated into on of top 10 world economies.

Crusader Wars 2018

We look at AI of System waging Crusader wars on Islam on all fronts. AI dictates to public opinion, Geopolitics, long term strategy, and international community. Beyond that it is engrained in the memory, perception, and understanding of humanity in this age, year 2018 and it is January now. By Makan Abazari and Secret Keepers. A release for Syrian Peace Talks.

World Order Over Reach

American aggressive behaviors on multiple front by dismantling the centralized planning and decision making has lead to America becoming Paria state. America the New North Korean state.

Stop Iranian Protests

Stop that revolution and stupid protests in Iran. I don’t want it and that is end of it. We rather have the mind control, economy, and Industry fixed.

I feel hurt for approving nuclear power plant facility for Saudi

The insanity of mindless unfolding of events due to hot head ignorance of people who influence mind control of others

Silent war on Turkey

On Turkish gold trader who is accused of helping Iran evade sanctions and trade oil for gold. The Individual of interest Zarrab was at US court recently and some events have played out pointing at US mind control of Zarrab. He came out and said:” He did the illegal exchange under directive and authorization of [...]

Guidelines on UN peace talks on Syria

I also need a unified Syrian government for post peace era. Where the central government has very easy way to decide and act as confidence force to work and allow its allies Iran and Russia on the ground if needs be. I need also Syria part of Iranian front as i was during pre war [...]

2016 and Manafort

2016 and Manafort I agree so much of my inputs and orders have been attributed to other people and lots of nothing they did example the case Manafort involvement with Russians became so big that ended up requiring national and FBI investigations into it. The investigation of so called Russian meddling in our election. But [...]

Review of Recent blogs by me on Adobe Spark It is a clickable Link to my Spark Articles

Security Council Permanent Members

Stop the sell of Military jets to India by global security and balance of power team Sell of Military Jets to India should be avoided as it is very dangerous to world order and global security, and balance of power #India #France #China #Iran #Pakistan #United #Nation #Security #council (no sell of new military jet [...]

Putin must Remain President 

It explain why Putin Presidency is important for not only Russia but also for Humanity and future of America. So many things at play and may make the correlation reverse but wisdom and experience says it is most important for our values in America to have putin win in Russia

The code is here, If you want to recognise who and what. 

The Code where is Mccen? The girl lost in 1970s. Meaning we are waiting for next Person like Kissinger and Churchill. The Mccen meant Makan. Madmine Albright, Makan Abazari. But Makan Abazari is also lion, King of earth, owner of nexus, and Antsasia means owner of mining and machine, and Elizabeth, Ali's bat (reference to [...]